2012 Stratton Brook Invitational Boys' Small School Varsity

Simsbury, CT

Sep. 22, 2012

Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.

                                    Team Scores

  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         

  559     1     1  Dhahran Velasquez, Jr      16:33.3    5:20  Capital Preparatory H 
  764     2     2  Colin Sauter, Sr           16:47.2    5:25  Tolland Hs           
  555     3     3  devin nelson, Jr           17:01.7    5:30  Capital Preparatory H 
  684     4     4  Dan Brien, Sr              17:11.9    5:33  Pittsfield Hs        
  682     5     5  Cameron Swift, Sr          17:12.3    5:33  Oxford Hs            
  716     6     6  Patrick Begley, Jr         17:16.0    5:34  Suffield Hs          
  806     7        Johnny Rivera, Sr          17:19.4    5:35  Windham Hs           
  668     8     7  Matt Mona, Jr              17:33.1    5:40  Northwestern Regional 
  717     9     8  Jimmy Clark, Sr            17:38.7    5:42  Suffield Hs          
  747    10     9  Luke McMahon, Jr           17:48.0    5:45  Thomaston            
  671    11    10  Scott Shaw, Sr             17:57.1    5:47  Northwestern Regional 
  759    12    11  Connor Lafontaine, Jr      17:57.8    5:48  Tolland Hs           
  556    13    12  kevin rivera, Jr           17:58.6    5:48  Capital Preparatory H 
  809    14        Joshua Roman, Jr           18:04.0    5:50  Windham Hs           
  771    15    13  Marques Johnson, Jr        18:04.8    5:50  University Hs of Sci- 
  741    16    14  Seth Abbott, Jr            18:11.0    5:52  Thomaston            
  755    17    15  Jared Bedard, Jr           18:13.0    5:53  Tolland Hs           
  613    18    16  Kyle Davis, So             18:14.1    5:53  Griswold Hs          
  675    19    17  Zach Frew, So              18:17.0    5:54  Oxford Hs            
  642    20    18  Ryan Gannon, Sr            18:19.4    5:55  Litchfield Hs        
  697    21    19  Jon Lee, Sr                18:26.4    5:57  Pittsfield Hs        
  569    22    20  Dylan Chicoine, Sr         18:27.9    5:57  Granby Memorial Hs   
  718    23    21  Benjamin Gee, Jr           18:29.8    5:58  Suffield Hs          
  739    24    22  Justin Walch, Fr           18:30.7    5:58  Suffield Hs          
  694    25    23  Justin Hopkins, Sr         18:31.3    5:58  Pittsfield Hs        

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

766 26 24 Dan Vareed, Sr 18:36.0 6:00 Tolland Hs 1433 27 25 Lucas Medling, So 18:36.7 6:00 Griswold Hs 750 28 26 Zachary Simpson, Sr 18:39.2 6:01 Thomaston 712 29 27 Ethan Winslow, Sr 18:39.6 6:01 Pittsfield Hs 672 30 28 Brandon Au, Sr 18:39.9 6:01 Oxford Hs 702 31 29 Matt Nesti, Sr 18:41.5 6:02 Pittsfield Hs 655 32 30 Peter Bakker, Fr 18:44.4 6:03 Northwestern Regional 558 33 31 Luis Vega, Sr 18:46.7 6:03 Capital Preparatory H 734 34 32 Kevin Powell, Jr 18:51.0 6:05 Suffield Hs 779 35 33 Ryan VanDine, Jr 18:56.4 6:07 University Hs of Sci- 689 36 34 Bill Coles, Jr 18:57.3 6:07 Pittsfield Hs 761 37 35 Alex Medina, So 18:59.4 6:08 Tolland Hs 550 38 36 Philip Cruz, Jr 19:10.4 6:11 Capital Preparatory H 758 39 37 Michael Johnson, Jr 19:16.1 6:13 Tolland Hs 661 40 38 Chaz Hamel, So 19:17.7 6:13 Northwestern Regional 618 41 39 Beau Houatchanthara, Sr 19:18.1 6:14 Griswold Hs 720 42 40 Matthew Guilmette, Jr 19:19.4 6:14 Suffield Hs 738 43 41 John Urbanski, Fr 19:21.1 6:15 Suffield Hs 638 44 42 Carl Costa, Sr 19:27.9 6:17 Litchfield Hs 800 45 Christian Aguilar, Sr 19:34.7 6:19 Windham Hs 551 46 43 joseph dobson, Jr 19:35.9 6:19 Capital Preparatory H 778 47 44 Ben VanDine, Jr 19:37.3 6:20 University Hs of Sci- 627 48 45 Nick Hatcher, So 19:42.2 6:21 Immaculate Hs 617 49 46 Trevor Frizzell, Fr 19:43.9 6:22 Griswold Hs 596 50 47 Mitchell Rennels, Sr 19:44.6 6:22 Granby Memorial Hs 582 51 48 Daniel Jacobs, So 19:46.0 6:23 Granby Memorial Hs 650 52 49 Carlos Rodrigues, Jr 19:47.6 6:23 Litchfield Hs 678 53 50 Richard Katreyna, Sr 19:49.8 6:24 Oxford Hs 765 54 51 Jack Suitor, Jr 19:50.3 6:24 Tolland Hs 742 55 52 Trevor Daigle, So 19:50.9 6:24 Thomaston 688 56 53 Aaron Cody, Jr 19:52.5 6:25 Pittsfield Hs 744 57 54 Justin Gallo, Fr 19:58.2 6:27 Thomaston 592 58 55 Mathew O'Neil, Sr 20:03.5 6:28 Granby Memorial Hs 749 59 56 Alex Scougall, So 20:11.6 6:31 Thomaston 743 60 57 Joe Fainer, Sr 20:12.4 6:31 Thomaston 676 61 58 Chris Gee, Jr 20:16.8 6:33 Oxford Hs 646 62 59 Harry Krizmanich, Sr 20:21.2 6:34 Litchfield Hs 674 63 60 Sean Coffindaffer, Jr 20:21.9 6:34 Oxford Hs 619 64 61 Brandon Kinnie, So 20:35.1 6:38 Griswold Hs 601 65 62 Ryan Seger, Sr 20:38.8 6:40 Granby Memorial Hs 775 66 63 Jamason Pestana, So 20:39.5 6:40 University Hs of Sci- 774 67 64 Dalton Miner, Sr 20:54.6 6:45 University Hs of Sci- 662 68 65 John Hearn, Sr 20:59.6 6:46 Northwestern Regional 664 69 66 Marcus Johansson, So 21:02.2 6:47 Northwestern Regional 634 70 67 John Wunsch, So 21:04.9 6:48 Immaculate Hs 648 71 68 Mario Muratori, Sr 21:07.7 6:49 Litchfield Hs 593 72 69 Nicholas Pockoski, Jr 21:23.9 6:54 Granby Memorial Hs 609 73 70 Brandon Anhalt, So 21:26.6 6:55 Griswold Hs 572 74 71 Alex Dallen, Jr 21:27.0 6:55 Granby Memorial Hs
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

632 75 72 Ben schultz, Jr 21:48.4 7:02 Immaculate Hs 621 76 73 Jake Allen, Sr 22:08.7 7:09 Immaculate Hs 629 77 74 Ricky Kerins, Sr 22:17.8 7:12 Immaculate Hs 633 78 75 Andrew Witek, Sr 22:19.9 7:12 Immaculate Hs 667 79 76 Stephen McGrath, So 22:47.7 7:21 Northwestern Regional 624 80 77 Mike Burns, Jr 22:49.6 7:22 Immaculate Hs 620 81 78 Jefferson Savankham, So 22:54.2 7:23 Griswold Hs 770 82 79 Tom Ingram, Jr 22:55.9 7:24 University Hs of Sci- Team Scores PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Capital Preparatory H 83 1 3 12 31 36 43 17:54.2 2:37.1 2 Tolland Hs 87 2 11 15 24 35 37 51 18:06.7 2:12.3 3 Suffield Hs 89 6 8 21 22 32 40 41 18:09.2 1:35.1 4 Pittsfield Hs 102 4 19 23 27 29 34 53 18:18.1 1:29.7 5 Northwestern Regional 150 7 10 30 38 65 66 76 18:54.4 3:26.6 6 Thomaston 155 9 14 26 52 54 56 57 18:53.5 2:10.2 7 Oxford Hs 158 5 17 28 50 58 60 18:51.2 3:04.6 8 Griswold Hs 187 16 25 39 46 61 70 78 19:17.6 2:21.1 9 University Hs of Sci- 217 13 33 44 63 64 79 19:38.5 2:49.8 10 Granby Memorial Hs 232 20 47 48 55 62 69 71 19:44.2 2:10.9 11 Litchfield Hs 236 18 42 49 59 68 19:48.8 2:48.3 12 Immaculate Hs 331 45 67 72 73 74 75 77 21:24.4 2:35.7