2009 Stratton Brook Invite Girls' Freshman
Simsbury, CT
Sep. 26, 2009
Sunny, 57 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com
Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.
TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 661 1 1 Hannah Chamis, Fr 15:48.6 7:11 Southington 552 2 2 Erin Miscericordia, Fr 16:05.8 7:19 Simsbury 868 3 Daniela Padua, Fr 16:29.4 7:30 Windham 566 4 3 Brianna Serio, Fr 16:33.5 7:32 Simsbury 721 5 Lydia Hixson, Fr 16:36.8 7:33 William Hall 618 6 Justyce Jenkins, Fr 17:03.1 7:45 Enrico Fermi 805 7 Krista Karlson, Fr 17:04.2 7:46 Granby Memorial 615 8 Jennifer Cote, Fr 17:06.4 7:47 Enrico Fermi 712 9 Taylor Braidich, Fr 17:13.7 7:50 William Hall 605 10 Brianna Lavero, Fr 17:17.5 7:52 Bristol Eastern 573 11 4 Katie Wildman, Fr 17:27.7 7:56 Simsbury 538 12 5 Beerman Gillian, Fr 17:33.3 7:59 Simsbury 672 13 6 Eileen Germain, Fr 17:33.6 7:59 Southington 687 14 7 Laura Spagnoletti, Fr 17:33.8 7:59 Southington 670 15 8 Molly Fiascanaro, Fr 17:34.1 7:59 Southington 588 16 Brittany Mills, Fr 17:34.4 7:59 Bristol CentralTopPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
678 17 9 Natalie Mongillo, Fr 17:37.3 8:01 Southington 623 18 Julia Hayward, Fr 17:38.9 8:01 Naugatuck 695 19 Christina Hammer, Fr 17:56.7 8:09 Torrington 681 20 10 Rebecca Pappalardo, Fr 18:03.4 8:12 Southington 689 21 11 Hannah Tillman, Fr 18:03.7 8:13 Southington 536 22 12 Alexa Evangelista, Fr 18:15.6 8:18 Simsbury 866 23 Phaneuf Joslin, Fr 18:21.8 8:21 Windham 559 24 13 Carly Radin, Fr 18:23.4 8:22 Simsbury 867 25 Dobrolet Megan, Fr 18:26.0 8:23 Windham 627 26 Chelsae Newman, Fr 18:38.5 8:28 Naugatuck 596 27 Hailee Yacenko, Fr 18:44.3 8:31 Bristol Central 554 28 14 Sage Moran, Fr 19:01.6 8:39 Simsbury 551 29 Nicole Mihelis, Fr 19:19.5 8:47 Simsbury 677 30 Claire Manente, Fr 19:39.0 8:56 Southington 668 31 Nicole Dietzel, Fr 19:44.4 8:58 SouthingtonPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
784 32 Amanda Curvino, Fr 19:49.8 9:01 Canton 787 33 Hayley Koldins, Fr 19:54.4 9:03 Canton 810 34 Jamie Moffa, Fr 20:20.8 9:15 Granby MemorialPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
585 35 Callie Lafreniere, Fr 22:10.0 10:05 Bristol Central 723 36 Joy Kachko, Fr 23:23.4 10:38 William Hall Team Results PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Simsbury 26 2 3 4 5 12 13 14 17:11.2 2:09.9 2 Southington 31 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 17:13.5 1:48.7