2006 Stratton Brook Invitational Girls' Varsity Large Schools

Simsbury, CT

Sep. 30, 2006

Sunny, 58 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com

Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.

    Team Scores

  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER           TIME     PACE        TEAM         

 2916     1     1  Alasia Griebel, 12         14:44.7    6:01  Bristol Central      
 2893     2     2  Erica Hines                14:55.7    6:06  Fermi                
  987     3     3  Stacey Marion, 12          15:03.7    6:09  Simsbury             
 2831     4     4  Cassy Hunter, 9            15:19.4    6:15  Nfa                  
 2850     5     5  Abby Singer, 9             15:25.5    6:18  Fitch                
 2842     6     6  Beth Kosta, 12             15:50.2    6:28  Fitch                
  988     7     7  Jackie Imse, 12            15:52.2    6:29  Simsbury             
 2844     8     8  Annie Rowland, 11          16:00.3    6:32  Fitch                
  991     9     9  Jessica Gilbert, 12        16:05.1    6:34  Simsbury             
  986    10    10  Maggie Glass, 12           16:05.8    6:34  Simsbury             
 2817    11    11  Allison Black, 11          16:10.4    6:36  Nfa                  
 2927    12    12  Kiara Bonilla, 10          16:12.9    6:37  Bristol Central      
 2838    13    13  Kathleen O'Brien, 9        16:16.9    6:39  Nfa                  
  994    14    14  Kristin Calzarette, 11     16:24.3    6:42  Simsbury             
 2846    15    15  Katie Morrell, 10          16:26.3    6:43  Fitch                
 1007    16    16  Kylie Brasel, 9            16:27.4    6:43  Simsbury             
 2929    17    17  Jessica DiVenere, 10       16:28.1    6:43  Bristol Central      
 1050    18    18  Glowa Lauren, 12           16:43.9    6:50  Southington          
 1076    19    19  Sandstrom Malin, 9         16:44.9    6:50  Southington          
 2918    20    20  Nemythe Lease, 12          16:51.2    6:53  Bristol Central      

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top

2848 21 21 Ali Peters, 10 17:11.3 7:01 Fitch 2925 22 22 Jenna Ziogas, 11 17:18.9 7:04 Bristol Central 1071 23 23 Cunningham Amber, 9 17:19.5 7:04 Southington 1049 24 24 Fontaine Kim, 12 17:20.8 7:05 Southington 989 25 25 Kim Loveland, 12 17:23.4 7:06 Simsbury 2849 26 26 Ari Quinn, 10 17:27.7 7:08 Fitch 2828 27 27 Sarah Eagan, 9 17:29.6 7:08 Nfa 1056 28 28 Verderame Nicole, 12 17:37.9 7:12 Southington 2815 29 29 Eva Charron, 11 17:44.1 7:14 Nfa 2829 30 30 Gillian Farrell, 9 17:48.2 7:16 Nfa 1052 31 31 Reid Kait, 12 17:51.3 7:17 Southington 2882 32 32 Brittany Bennett 18:03.1 7:22 Fermi 2841 33 33 Katelyn Deetz, 12 18:03.7 7:22 Fitch 2935 34 34 Jenna Slipke, 10 18:04.2 7:23 Bristol Central 1092 35 35 Yocarett Peguero, 10 18:15.6 7:27 New Britain 2889 36 36 Breanne Mouratori 18:20.4 7:29 Fermi 1095 37 37 Jordan Roby, 12 18:41.7 7:38 New Britain 1065 38 38 LePage Taylor, 10 18:44.1 7:39 Southington 2887 39 39 Anita Wilson 19:00.3 7:45 Fermi 1093 40 40 Asma Shahid, 12 19:10.9 7:50 New Britain 2923 41 41 Amanda Carlson, 11 19:12.3 7:50 Bristol Central 2884 42 42 Jen McGuire 19:12.6 7:50 Fermi
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top

1094 43 43 Tashnuva Shaheen, 9 22:04.9 9:01 New Britain Team Scores PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Simsbury 43 3 7 9 10 14 16 25 15:54.3 1:20.6 2 Fitch 55 5 6 8 15 21 26 33 16:10.7 1:45.8 3 Bristol Central 72 1 12 17 20 22 34 38 16:19.2 2:34.2 4 Nfa 84 4 11 13 27 29 30 16:36.1 2:24.7 5 Southington 112 18 19 23 24 28 31 36 17:09.4 0:54.1 6 Fermi 145 2 32 35 37 39 17:54.5 4:16.9