2011 QVJC Championship Girls' Race
Woodstock Fairgrounds
Oct. 25, 2011
Sunny, 57 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.
TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 18 1 1 Brooklynn Saracina 12:34.4 6:37 Woodstock 294 2 2 Meagan Perez 12:46.4 6:43 Griswold 146 3 3 Sabreina Brunelle 12:56.8 6:49 Brooklyn 145 4 4 Brooke Brouillard 13:00.7 6:51 BrooklynPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
257 5 5 Jewelia Aubin 13:21.6 7:02 Pomfret 258 6 6 Gillian Horst 13:36.2 7:10 Pomfret 14 7 7 Jordyn Woodland 13:40.7 7:12 Woodstock 365 8 8 Angela Rafter 13:54.0 7:19 Killingly 318 9 9 Shai-lin Gothreau 14:01.4 7:23 St. Joseph 6 10 10 Hannah Matsas 14:02.1 7:23 Woodstock 7 11 11 Leah Randolph 14:02.7 7:24 Woodstock 197 12 12 Lea Janz 14:03.0 7:24 Wheeler 142 13 13 Kylie Barrows 14:04.9 7:25 Brooklyn 260 14 14 Audrey Corrigan 14:05.5 7:25 Pomfret 144 15 15 Phyllis Brown 14:07.9 7:26 Brooklyn 56 16 16 Cecilia Lablanc 14:10.9 7:28 Thompson 163 17 17 Regan Stuyniski 14:17.2 7:31 Brooklyn 223 18 18 Cassie Miller 14:22.5 7:34 Plainfield Central 312 19 19 Angelica Gould 14:23.3 7:34 St. Joseph 292 20 20 Maggie McGrath 14:26.6 7:36 Griswold 286 21 21 Jordan Knolhoff 14:28.2 7:37 Griswold 5 22 22 Eden Law 14:28.9 7:37 Woodstock 200 23 23 Brittany Testa 14:34.9 7:40 Wheeler 2 24 24 Caitlin Cannon 14:37.1 7:42 Woodstock 261 25 25 Megan Feragne 14:38.5 7:42 Pomfret 283 26 26 Caitlin Ellis 14:39.5 7:43 Griswold 326 27 Sabrina Chesters 14:43.2 7:45 Parish Hill 154 28 27 Selina Latour-Gervais 14:46.3 7:46 Brooklyn 198 29 28 Kalee Lewis 14:47.6 7:47 Wheeler 1 30 29 Kaitlyn Bembeneck 14:48.0 7:47 Woodstock 259 31 30 Olivia Kremer 14:50.0 7:48 Pomfret 267 32 31 Ellie Gellison 14:59.5 7:53 Pomfret 16 33 Allison Kelleher 15:01.8 7:55 Woodstock 222 34 32 Madison Soillier 15:03.4 7:55 Plainfield Central 363 35 33 Haley Larose 15:07.5 7:58 Killingly 262 36 34 Brittany Eber 15:08.2 7:58 Pomfret 164 37 35 Julie Sullivan 15:08.6 7:58 Brooklyn 372 38 36 Kylee Mazzarella 15:09.0 7:58 KillinglyPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
150 39 Kara Heilemann 15:11.7 8:00 Brooklyn 287 40 37 Madison LaBossiere 15:11.9 8:00 Griswold 264 41 Arielle Johnson 15:12.2 8:00 Pomfret 162 42 Sidney Schmidt 15:20.5 8:04 Brooklyn 279 43 38 Amberlee Cubanski 15:24.6 8:07 Griswold 149 44 Amanda Haines 15:27.1 8:08 Brooklyn 70 45 39 Karissa Slowik 15:27.7 8:08 St James 362 46 40 Madison Weaver 15:29.1 8:09 Killingly 360 47 41 Courtney Rafter 15:29.9 8:09 Killingly 79 48 42 Ashley Leroux 15:30.3 8:10 St James 199 49 43 Elizabeth Stedman 15:30.8 8:10 Wheeler 219 50 44 Bryanna Bergeron 15:31.9 8:10 Plainfield Central 203 51 45 Kendra Perez 15:34.3 8:12 Wheeler 268 52 Chelsey Castle 15:35.5 8:12 Pomfret 9 53 Roxanne Garceau 15:38.1 8:14 Woodstock 52 54 46 Emma Fahey 15:44.9 8:17 Thompson 265 55 Isabelle Dee 15:47.7 8:19 Pomfret 364 56 47 Sarah McMerriman 15:48.4 8:19 Killingly 281 57 48 Cate Duponte 15:52.0 8:21 Griswold 127 58 49 Grayce Gibbs 15:53.5 8:22 Rectory 3 59 Jordan Couture 15:55.9 8:23 Woodstock 4 60 Samantha Cudworth 16:01.2 8:26 Woodstock 148 61 Keeling Chiu 16:02.5 8:27 Brooklyn 19 62 Lyndsey O'Dea 16:03.3 8:27 Woodstock 53 63 50 Kate Heffernan 16:05.3 8:28 Thompson 227 64 51 Ciera Fontaine 16:07.8 8:29 Plainfield Central 72 65 52 Megan McCrory 16:08.9 8:30 St James 367 66 53 Hailey Neri 16:10.2 8:31 Killingly 88 67 54 Rachel Hultzman 16:13.3 8:32 Putnam 357 68 Kayla Alexander 16:15.1 8:33 Killingly 319 69 55 Julia Pezzano 16:17.6 8:35 St. Joseph 263 70 Jewel Martin 16:18.0 8:35 Pomfret 225 71 56 April Sanborn 16:20.5 8:36 Plainfield Central 201 72 57 Rebecca Collins 16:21.6 8:37 Wheeler 130 73 58 Sophia Park 16:23.3 8:38 Rectory 12 74 Ellie McReynolds 16:28.4 8:40 Woodstock 368 75 Kiah Parker 16:31.4 8:42 Killingly 43 76 Natalie Kirkman 16:31.7 8:42 Learning Clinic 155 77 Korenza Manfredi 16:32.4 8:42 Brooklyn 129 78 59 Cheryl Lui 16:36.2 8:44 Rectory 54 79 60 4julia Jones 16:38.6 8:46 Thompson 295 80 Thara Saint-Sun 16:43.8 8:48 Griswold 290 81 Brooke McCormick 16:46.3 8:50 Griswold 293 82 Felicity McMahon 16:47.2 8:50 Griswold 316 83 61 Olivia Antonson 16:48.1 8:51 St. Joseph 221 84 62 Kendra Roach 16:49.7 8:51 Plainfield Central 158 85 Cara Mayhew 16:50.7 8:52 Brooklyn 282 86 Rylee Dombrowski 16:51.5 8:52 Griswold 278 87 Erin Cote 16:54.3 8:54 Griswold 271 88 Wanjiru Gatheru 16:55.8 8:55 Pomfret 366 89 Cayshia Morrison 16:58.9 8:56 Killingly 313 90 63 Devin Foisy 17:00.1 8:57 St. Joseph 76 91 64 Olivia Summiel 17:02.3 8:58 St James 131 92 65 Hailey Childs 17:05.0 8:59 RectoryPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
370 93 Azya Thornton 17:09.1 9:02 Killingly 132 94 66 Emily Buell 17:11.1 9:03 Rectory 157 95 Fallon Michalski 17:12.4 9:03 Brooklyn 273 96 Hannah Burgess 17:14.3 9:04 Pomfret 270 97 Natalie Low 17:15.1 9:05 Pomfret 91 98 67 Keely Purdon 17:16.0 9:05 Putnam 311 99 68 Hunter Foisy 17:16.7 9:06 St. Joseph 266 100 Emma Sarantopolis 17:17.5 9:06 Pomfret 284 101 Keena Fletcher 17:21.6 9:08 Griswold 128 102 69 Laura Richardson 17:22.9 9:09 Rectory 317 103 70 Skyla Wesolowski 17:24.4 9:10 St. Joseph 8 104 Hannah Walley 17:30.7 9:13 Woodstock 277 105 Victoria Bowles 17:31.0 9:13 Griswold 59 106 71 Rebecca Walker 17:33.2 9:14 Thompson 11 107 Callista Kamau 17:38.9 9:17 Woodstock 97 108 72 Carmon Gardener 17:42.0 9:19 Putnam 369 109 Idamaris Soto 17:49.5 9:23 Killingly 55 110 73 Noelle Jullian 17:53.2 9:25 Thompson 314 111 Talia Gould 17:54.7 9:26 St. Joseph 160 112 Shayna Robinson 17:57.8 9:27 Brooklyn 269 113 charlotte Powel 18:03.6 9:30 Pomfret 141 114 Lizzie Barnes 18:07.4 9:32 Brooklyn 297 115 Kayla Wisniewski 18:09.7 9:34 Griswold 10 116 Julie He 18:12.0 9:35 Woodstock 57 117 74 Joelle Lachance 18:14.1 9:36 Thompson 280 118 Meghan Davis 18:15.6 9:37 Griswold 371 119 Madison Coutu 18:16.2 9:37 Killingly 96 120 75 Anya Foley 18:19.4 9:39 Putnam 373 121 Jillian Ormerod 18:22.9 9:40 Killingly 93 122 76 Alexandria Sheridan 18:23.9 9:41 Putnam 285 123 Samantha Hawkins 18:24.3 9:41 Griswold 133 124 77 Amy He 18:26.1 9:42 Rectory 51 125 Kaylee Derosier 18:28.6 9:43 Thompson 204 126 78 Anjum Shaikh 18:33.0 9:46 Wheeler 161 127 Gabrielle Rossi 18:34.3 9:46 Brooklyn 147 128 Angela Caponi 18:37.2 9:48 Brooklyn 139 129 Amy Ren 18:38.5 9:49 Rectory 358 130 Miyah Jackson 18:39.7 9:49 Killingly 276 131 Haley Bogle 18:54.9 9:57 Griswold 156 132 Zoe Manfredi 18:57.3 9:59 BrooklynPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
315 133 Kayla McGovern 19:00.2 10:00 St. Joseph 50 134 Sophia Al- Meshrej 19:02.9 10:02 Thompson 165 135 Haley Tiffany 19:05.8 10:03 Brooklyn 228 136 79 Christina Heath 19:11.7 10:06 Plainfield Central 74 137 80 Jocelyn Madden 19:12.5 10:07 St James 359 138 Sera Matthews 19:14.7 10:08 Killingly 361 139 Rhiannon Sulik 19:16.8 10:09 Killingly 320 140 Rosalie Laconto 19:17.1 10:09 St. Joseph 136 141 Min Jeong Kang 19:17.6 10:09 Rectory 374 142 Gabriella Ross 19:35.4 10:19 Killingly 289 143 Alicia Marsh 19:38.9 10:20 Griswold 78 144 81 Norah Laliberte 19:42.6 10:22 St James 80 145 82 Grace Fischer 19:46.9 10:25 St James 224 146 Skylah Perry 19:53.3 10:28 Plainfield Central 205 147 Caitlyn Tillinghast 19:54.6 10:29 Wheeler 140 148 Cindy Park 19:57.0 10:30 Rectory 44 149 Renata Hollander 20:01.3 10:32 Learning Clinic 153 150 Molly Johnson 20:08.1 10:36 Brooklyn 272 151 Eco Manso 20:25.1 10:45 Pomfret 159 152 Yvey McDowell 20:35.4 10:50 Brooklyn 134 153 Louisa Park 20:37.2 10:51 RectoryPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
135 154 Kelly Park 20:56.1 11:01 Rectory 296 155 Shiloh Vournazos 21:04.9 11:06 Griswold 375 156 Cashey Pordier 21:09.5 11:08 Parish Hill 90 157 83 Ashley Majowicz 21:23.1 11:15 Putnam 217 158 Mikayla Aubin 21:42.8 11:26 Plainfield Central 152 159 Molly Hopkins 21:53.9 11:31 Brooklyn 95 160 84 Dekoda Rose Gray 22:03.7 11:37 Putnam 274 161 Victoria Staples 22:15.5 11:43 PomfretPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
275 162 Mikayla Peters 22:57.7 12:05 Pomfret 87 163 Jasmyn Hollman 23:13.3 12:13 Putnam 288 164 Hailey Lassale 23:22.8 12:18 Griswold 71 165 Chelsea Zavistoski 23:46.0 12:30 St JamesPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
98 166 Abigail Newman 27:54.3 14:41 Putnam Team Results ID# PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE 1. Woodstock 18 1 Brooklynn Saracina 12:34.4 6:37 14 7 Jordyn Woodland 13:40.7 7:12 6 10 Hannah Matsas 14:02.1 7:23 7 11 Leah Randolph 14:02.7 7:24 5 22 Eden Law 14:28.9 7:37 Total Time = 1:08:48.6 Total Places = 51 2. Brooklyn 146 3 Sabreina Brunelle 12:56.8 6:49 145 4 Brooke Brouillard 13:00.7 6:51 142 13 Kylie Barrows 14:04.9 7:25 144 15 Phyllis Brown 14:07.9 7:26 163 17 Regan Stuyniski 14:17.2 7:31 Total Time = 1:08:27.3 Total Places = 52 3. Pomfret 257 5 Jewelia Aubin 13:21.6 7:02 258 6 Gillian Horst 13:36.2 7:10 260 14 Audrey Corrigan 14:05.5 7:25 261 25 Megan Feragne 14:38.5 7:42 259 30 Olivia Kremer 14:50.0 7:48 Total Time = 1:10:31.5 Total Places = 80 4. Griswold 294 2 Meagan Perez 12:46.4 6:43 292 20 Maggie McGrath 14:26.6 7:36 286 21 Jordan Knolhoff 14:28.2 7:37 283 26 Caitlin Ellis 14:39.5 7:43 287 37 Madison LaBossiere 15:11.9 8:00 Total Time = 1:11:32.4 Total Places = 106 5. Wheeler 197 12 Lea Janz 14:03.0 7:24 200 23 Brittany Testa 14:34.9 7:40 198 28 Kalee Lewis 14:47.6 7:47 199 43 Elizabeth Stedman 15:30.8 8:10 203 45 Kendra Perez 15:34.3 8:12 Total Time = 1:14:30.5 Total Places = 151 6. Killingly 365 8 Angela Rafter 13:54.0 7:19 363 33 Haley Larose 15:07.5 7:58 372 36 Kylee Mazzarella 15:09.0 7:58 362 40 Madison Weaver 15:29.1 8:09 360 41 Courtney Rafter 15:29.9 8:09 Total Time = 1:15:09.3 Total Places = 158 7. Plainfield Central 223 18 Cassie Miller 14:22.5 7:34 222 32 Madison Soillier 15:03.4 7:55 219 44 Bryanna Bergeron 15:31.9 8:10 227 51 Ciera Fontaine 16:07.8 8:29 225 56 April Sanborn 16:20.5 8:36 Total Time = 1:17:25.9 Total Places = 201 8. St. Joseph 318 9 Shai-lin Gothreau 14:01.4 7:23 312 19 Angelica Gould 14:23.3 7:34 319 55 Julia Pezzano 16:17.6 8:35 316 61 Olivia Antonson 16:48.1 8:51 313 63 Devin Foisy 17:00.1 8:57 Total Time = 1:18:30.3 Total Places = 207 9. Thompson 56 16 Cecilia Lablanc 14:10.9 7:28 52 46 Emma Fahey 15:44.9 8:17 53 50 Kate Heffernan 16:05.3 8:28 54 60 4julia Jones 16:38.6 8:46 59 71 Rebecca Walker 17:33.2 9:14 Total Time = 1:20:12.7 Total Places = 243 10. St James 70 39 Karissa Slowik 15:27.7 8:08 79 42 Ashley Leroux 15:30.3 8:10 72 52 Megan McCrory 16:08.9 8:30 76 64 Olivia Summiel 17:02.3 8:58 74 80 Jocelyn Madden 19:12.5 10:07 Total Time = 1:23:21.4 Total Places = 277 11. Rectory 127 49 Grayce Gibbs 15:53.5 8:22 130 58 Sophia Park 16:23.3 8:38 129 59 Cheryl Lui 16:36.2 8:44 131 65 Hailey Childs 17:05.0 8:59 132 66 Emily Buell 17:11.1 9:03 Total Time = 1:23:09.0 Total Places = 297 12. Putnam 88 54 Rachel Hultzman 16:13.3 8:32 91 67 Keely Purdon 17:16.0 9:05 97 72 Carmon Gardener 17:42.0 9:19 96 75 Anya Foley 18:19.4 9:39 93 76 Alexandria Sheridan 18:23.9 9:41 Total Time = 1:27:54.4 Total Places = 344