2009 QVJC Championship Girls' Race
Ashford, CT
Oct. 29, 2009
Sunny, 50 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com
Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.
TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 266 1 1 Alyssa Brehler 14:06.3 7:03 Griswold 349 2 2 Kerri Ruffo 14:22.5 7:11 Plainfield 320 3 3 Abby Poirier 14:24.3 7:12 Thompson 77 4 4 Abby Lamarre 14:31.9 7:16 Woodstock 76 5 5 August Frechette 14:35.6 7:18 Woodstock 274 6 6 Meagan Perez 14:46.4 7:23 Griswold 284 7 7 Jewelia Aubin 15:16.9 7:38 Pomfret 145 8 8 Madeline Lorange 15:34.2 7:47 St. James 215 9 9 Jamie Groves 15:46.2 7:53 Killingly 270 10 10 Melina LaBossiere 15:48.9 7:54 Griswold 350 11 11 Kathryn Sanborn 15:51.1 7:56 Plainfield 195 12 12 Emma Howe 15:56.5 7:58 St. Joseph 227 13 13 Natalie Hawes 15:56.8 7:58 Killingly 380 14 Shai-lin Gothrou 15:57.1 7:59 St. Mary'sTopPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
375 15 Natalie Kirkman 16:03.5 8:02 Learning Clinic 65 16 14 Madison Dean 16:03.7 8:02 Woodstock 360 17 15 Abby Souiller 16:18.5 8:09 Plainfield 354 18 16 Sarah Leclair 16:18.8 8:09 Plainfield 95 19 17 Nicky Deary 16:21.1 8:11 Brooklyn 275 20 18 Alex Peterson 16:21.7 8:11 Griswold 273 21 19 Kaitlyn Niles 16:27.0 8:14 Griswold 286 22 20 Shannon Askham 16:28.6 8:14 Pomfret 74 23 21 Sarah Douglas 16:29.9 8:15 Woodstock 218 24 22 Abbey Weber 16:35.6 8:18 Killingly 287 25 23 Julia Roemer 16:39.8 8:20 Pomfret 102 26 24 Teagan Jones 16:46.4 8:23 Brooklyn 221 27 25 Jamie Kennawi 16:50.8 8:25 Killingly 278 28 26 Rayne Schultz 16:52.0 8:26 Griswold 352 29 27 Brooke Snow 16:52.7 8:26 Plainfield 355 30 28 Allison Heath 16:53.0 8:27 Plainfield 72 31 29 Madeline Weber 16:55.3 8:28 Woodstock 290 32 30 Megan Feragne 16:57.1 8:29 Pomfret 351 33 31 Brianna Rocha 17:01.3 8:31 Plainfield 229 34 32 Haley Larose 17:05.7 8:33 Killingly 30 35 Samantha Card 17:08.3 8:34 Parish Hill 374 36 Juliette Cannon 17:12.0 8:36 Learning Clinic 358 37 Madison Souiller 17:13.5 8:37 Plainfield 372 38 Madison Cross 17:16.7 8:38 Plainfield 196 39 33 Danielle Jones 17:19.9 8:40 St. Joseph 356 40 Morgan Wanico 17:23.0 8:42 Plainfield 99 41 34 Kara Heilemann 17:23.3 8:42 Brooklyn 66 42 35 Marina Kawasaki 17:26.1 8:43 Woodstock 268 43 36 Brittany Ellis 17:33.1 8:47 Griswold 75 44 37 Beth Douglas 17:35.1 8:48 Woodstock 223 45 38 Miyah Jackson 17:35.4 8:48 Killingly 3 46 39 Anastasia Ramos 17:37.5 8:49 Putnam 224 47 40 Madison Weaver 17:38.1 8:49 Killingly 198 48 41 Sarah Pedersen 17:40.5 8:50 St. Joseph 192 49 42 Angelica Gould 17:41.0 8:51 St. Joseph 230 50 Sarah McMerriman 17:43.1 8:52 Killingly 367 51 Juliana Tetreault 17:48.0 8:54 Plainfield 164 52 43 Rene Leveille 17:49.8 8:55 Rectory 29 53 Margaret Pinto 17:51.1 8:56 Parish Hill 96 54 44 Shayna Dougherty 17:53.5 8:57 Brooklyn 289 55 45 Avery Benton 17:54.8 8:57 PomfretPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
381 56 Paisley Gothrou 18:00.2 9:00 St. Mary's 165 57 46 Suzie Jiang 18:02.3 9:01 Rectory 144 58 47 Adrienne Lorange 18:02.9 9:01 St. James 31 59 Elizabeth Roundtree 18:04.1 9:02 Parish Hill 277 60 Bailey Randolph 18:10.6 9:05 Griswold 323 61 48 Tatjiana Tschirpke 18:11.5 9:06 Thompson 364 62 Resse Griffin 18:14.5 9:07 Plainfield 143 63 49 Karrisa Slowik 18:23.6 9:12 St. James 319 64 50 Jessica Dodd 18:28.4 9:14 Thompson 279 65 Allie Stanley 18:29.2 9:15 Griswold 288 66 51 Olivia Chambrello 18:29.4 9:15 Pomfret 291 67 52 Isabelle Dee 18:31.7 9:16 Pomfret 271 68 Tori Martel 18:45.2 9:23 Griswold 357 69 Sarah Tucker 18:45.9 9:23 Plainfield 365 70 Cassidy Bill 18:48.4 9:24 Plainfield 222 71 Kristen Rukstala 18:48.7 9:24 Killingly 293 72 Kayla Demaire 18:49.0 9:25 Pomfret 73 73 Paige Belhumeur 19:04.5 9:32 Woodstock 292 74 Amy Hamby 19:12.1 9:36 Pomfret 265 75 Victoria Bowles 19:22.7 9:41 Griswold 78 76 Emily Rosaci 19:26.4 9:43 Woodstock 318 77 53 Alicia Rogers 19:27.7 9:44 Thompson 296 78 Katherine Dalimonte 19:29.9 9:45 Pomfret 226 79 Jaden Groves 19:31.4 9:46 Killingly 361 80 Taylor Desjardins 19:32.9 9:46 Plainfield 194 81 54 Alyssa Groh 19:38.0 9:49 St. Joseph 5 82 55 Lydia Tourtellotte 19:38.7 9:49 Putnam 2 83 56 Rylee Hehir 19:39.5 9:50 Putnam 269 84 Brianna Kerby 19:40.5 9:50 Griswold 298 85 Brianna Bernier 19:41.8 9:51 Pomfret 267 86 Amberlee Cubanski 19:44.1 9:52 Griswold 191 87 57 Hunter Foisy 19:45.0 9:53 St. Joseph 199 88 58 Julia Pezzano 19:49.4 9:55 St. Joseph 295 89 Mia Slevinsky 19:50.6 9:55 Pomfret 362 90 Abigal Eno 19:52.2 9:56 Plainfield 67 91 Allison Kelleher 19:52.5 9:56 Woodstock 106 92 59 Korenza Manfredi 19:55.5 9:58 Brooklyn 363 93 Kaneza Kadambaya 19:57.7 9:59 Plainfield 94 94 60 Keeling Chiu 19:58.1 9:59 BrooklynPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
200 95 Skyla Wesolowski 19:59.9 10:00 St. Joseph 190 96 Devin Foisy 20:02.6 10:01 St. Joseph 370 97 Kali Leandro 20:07.4 10:04 Plainfield 140 98 61 Megan Dion 20:08.7 10:04 St. James 369 99 Ashley Bambrick 20:12.8 10:06 Plainfield 69 100 Melodie Newman 20:14.6 10:07 Woodstock 187 101 Olivia Antonoson 20:16.4 10:08 St. Joseph 7 102 62 Madeline LeDuc 20:18.5 10:09 Putnam 6 103 63 Farrah Belliveau 20:29.2 10:15 Putnam 214 104 Melanie Galvin 20:31.9 10:16 Killingly 4 105 64 Caitlyn Reed 20:33.2 10:17 Putnam 98 106 65 Shelby Fredericks 20:36.6 10:18 Brooklyn 32 107 Kimberly Thornton 20:43.1 10:22 Parish Hill 90 108 Emily Berard 20:44.1 10:22 Brooklyn 87 109 Elise Bulmer 20:46.8 10:23 Brooklyn 322 110 66 Haylee Olson 20:58.0 10:29 Thompson 9 111 67 Elyse Bergeron 20:58.9 10:29 Putnam 297 112 Kaytlin Lin 21:05.8 10:33 Pomfret 216 113 Jordan LePage 21:18.2 10:39 Killingly 321 114 68 Miranda Baublitz 21:53.5 10:57 ThompsonPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
167 115 69 Emily Buell 22:11.8 11:06 Rectory 166 116 70 Megan Bastow 22:26.1 11:13 Rectory 100 117 Chloe Henault 22:31.8 11:16 Brooklyn 68 118 Autumn Lewis 22:56.0 11:28 Woodstock 13 119 Kristen Moseley 22:58.8 11:29 Putnam 1 120 Stacey Belliveau 22:59.3 11:30 Putnam 104 121 Erin Kieltzke 23:09.9 11:35 Brooklyn 83 122 Kendyll Smith 23:13.4 11:37 Brooklyn 82 123 Juleana Sliva 23:15.9 11:38 Brooklyn 189 124 Alyson Calabrese 23:33.3 11:47 St. Joseph 193 125 Talia Gould 23:37.1 11:49 St. JosephPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
188 126 Cynthia Briere 25:10.0 12:35 St. Joseph 170 127 71 Oliva Katab 25:30.3 12:45 Rectory 141 128 72 Emily Gray 25:36.3 12:48 St. James 324 129 73 Hailie Lemieux 25:45.7 12:53 ThompsonPace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | Top
299 130 Jade Beltrami 26:27.2 13:14 Pomfret 169 131 74 Priya Patel 26:40.3 13:20 Rectory 103 132 Calista Jordan 27:04.5 13:32 Brooklyn 85 133 Lindsey White 27:08.3 13:34 Brooklyn 101 134 Molly Johnson 27:10.4 13:35 Brooklyn 80 135 Shayna Robinson 27:10.7 13:35 Brooklyn Team Scores PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Griswold 54 1 6 10 18 19 26 36 15:30.1 2:20.7 2 Plainfield 71 2 11 15 16 27 28 31 15:56.8 2:30.2 3 Woodstock 73 4 5 14 21 29 35 37 15:43.3 2:23.4 4 Killingly 101 9 13 22 25 32 38 40 16:27.1 1:19.5 5 Pomfret 125 7 20 23 30 45 51 52 16:39.5 2:38.0 6 Brooklyn 178 17 24 34 44 59 60 65 17:40.0 3:34.5 7 St. Joseph 182 12 33 41 42 54 57 58 17:39.2 3:41.5 8 Thompson 220 3 48 50 53 66 68 73 18:18.0 6:33.7 9 St. James 237 8 47 49 61 72 19:33.2 10:02.1 10 Putnam 275 39 55 56 62 63 64 67 19:32.7 2:51.7 11 Rectory 299 43 46 69 70 71 74 21:12.1 7:40.6