2000 Connecticut Middle School Cross Country Championship Girls A Race
Manchester, CT
Nov. 4, 2000
Sunny 67d
Results by B.C. Timing Service
Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 1510 1 1 Ali Desjardins 15:06.0 6:34 Moran 300 2 2 Sage Small 15:16.0 6:38 Timothy Edwards 445 3 Jillian Gundling 15:18.5 6:39 Robbins 297 4 3 Blaize Denfield 15:28.6 6:44 Timothy Edwards 1507 5 Lauren Riley 15:30.0 6:44 Cutler 380 6 4 Abby Czepiga 15:34.9 6:47 McGee 339 7 5 Chelsea Labrecque 15:42.4 6:50 Ledyard 410 8 Kaitlin Chepleff 15:45.6 6:51 Vernon 295 9 6 Samantha Santacroce 15:48.2 6:52 Dodd 345 10 7 Marissa Kellner 15:50.4 6:53 Ellington 296 11 8 Selin Whitham 15:51.7 6:54 Timothy Edwards 1505 12 Kelly Woll 15:52.9 6:54 Jockey Hollow 377 13 9 Brianna Smyth 15:56.6 6:56 Pearson 178 14 Ellen Dobbin 15:57.6 6:56 East Hartford
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
299 15 10 Stephanie Koepper 16:09.0 7:01 Timothy Edwards 404 16 11 Alyssa Cole 16:10.7 7:02 Woodbury 332 17 12 Danielle Marias 16:11.0 7:02 Dag Hammarskjold 342 18 13 Susie Krakowiak 16:15.9 7:04 Ledyard 472 19 Emily Bowdy 16:16.2 7:04 Sacred Heart 1463 20 14 Emma Harmon 16:20.8 7:06 Adams Middle 298 21 15 Susan Bakulski 16:22.7 7:07 Timothy Edwards 367 22 16 Tina Hughes 16:25.5 7:09 Illing 398 23 17 Cara Tramantozzi 16:25.9 7:09 Kelly 341 24 18 Shannon Walsh 16:27.8 7:09 Ledyard 438 25 19 Kasey Sullivan 16:28.5 7:10 Rochambeau 308 26 20 Emma Miller 16:31.0 7:11 Woodrow Wilson 280 27 21 Jackie Zigadlo 16:33.5 7:12 Stafford 291 28 22 Lara Kunde 16:33.9 7:12 Dodd 322 29 23 Jennifer Dutkiewicz 16:34.5 7:12 Fisher 1148 30 Kim-Marie Clark 16:37.0 7:13 Dag 479 31 24 Jackie Ogle 16:37.7 7:14 Moran 331 32 25 Chelsea Krombel 16:42.7 7:16 Dag Hammarskjold 439 33 26 Katie Baczeski 16:43.5 7:16 Rochambeau 302 34 27 Frankie Smith 16:44.2 7:17 Timothy Edwards 334 35 28 Richelle Stainton 16:45.1 7:17 Dag Hammarskjold 330 36 29 Jessica Harwood 16:45.4 7:17 Dag Hammarskjold 293 37 30 Kate Griffin 16:45.7 7:17 Dodd 340 38 31 Kelsea Fortner 16:46.0 7:17 Ledyard 440 39 32 Katrina Landgrebe 16:46.5 7:18 Rochambeau 389 40 33 Allie Bull 16:47.7 7:18 Schagticoke 406 41 34 Annalisse Mahon 16:49.1 7:19 Woodbury 415 42 35 Beth Cote 16:49.8 7:19 Granby 1509 43 36 Jordan Smith 16:54.4 7:21 Illing 460 44 37 Tyanne Despirt 16:57.1 7:22 Killingly 411 45 Lorena Bender 16:57.4 7:22 Vernon 1481 46 38 Megan Milburn 16:57.7 7:23 Memorial 352 47 39 Kathryn Zenowitz 16:58.1 7:23 Lisbon 338 48 40 Sarah Fritz 17:01.5 7:24 Ledyard 381 49 41 Kristen Kusek 17:05.9 7:26 McGee 1508 50 Colleen Danaher 17:06.2 7:26 Swift 1499 51 42 Heather Potter 17:07.5 7:27 Wheeler 422 52 Rachel Barber 17:12.5 7:29 Tyl Middle 376 53 43 Britany Smyth 17:13.0 7:29 Pearson 309 54 44 Michelle Marino 17:13.5 7:29 Woodrow Wilson 444 55 45 Melanie Fernandes 17:16.0 7:30 Rochambeau 405 56 46 Rachel Zickefoose 17:17.6 7:31 Woodbury 399 57 47 Sarah Brown 17:17.8 7:31 Kelly 335 58 48 Kristina Valintas 17:18.8 7:32 Dag Hammarskjold 454 59 49 Brittany Kelly 17:21.6 7:33 East Hampton 441 60 50 Liz Basada 17:22.5 7:33 Rochambeau 353 61 51 Sarah Russell 17:24.5 7:34 Lisbon 453 62 52 Claire Pearce 17:25.0 7:34 East Hampton 1484 63 53 Laura Reily 17:27.0 7:35 Memorial 1518 64 54 Siovhan Meredith 17:28.0 7:36 Moran 459 65 55 Jana Barmasse 17:29.0 7:36 East Hampton 1483 66 56 Christine McAnlay 17:29.4 7:36 Memorial 1476 67 57 Kate Rooney 17:33.7 7:38 Adams Middle 290 68 58 Katherine Andreadis 17:36.4 7:39 Dodd 304 69 59 Page O’neil 17:37.4 7:40 Bennet 392 70 60 Kat Beckett 17:42.0 7:42 Schagticoke 397 71 61 Rebecca Mazzarella 17:43.7 7:42 Kelly 321 72 62 Nicole Bognar 17:44.0 7:43 North Branford 418 73 63 Erica Sands 17:44.3 7:43 Granby 324 74 64 Carla Lyga 17:46.3 7:44 Fisher 382 75 65 Karen Benoit 17:47.7 7:44 McGee 413 76 Emily Ducharme 17:48.7 7:45 Vernon 455 77 66 Ashley Benoit 17:49.9 7:45 East Hampton 461 78 67 Maria Bernier 17:51.0 7:46 Killingly 346 79 68 Tina Pagano 17:51.4 7:46 Ellington 348 80 69 Ariel Williams 17:51.7 7:46 Ellington 473 81 Katie Nault 17:52.0 7:46 Sacred Heart 361 82 Liesel Bender 17:53.1 7:47 Washington 354 83 70 Meegan Joly 17:57.4 7:48 Lisbon 1506 84 Jessica Pepin 17:59.4 7:49 Swift 1516 85 71 Kristen Langan 17:59.7 7:49 Moran 403 86 72 Shannon Burns 18:00.0 7:50 Woodbury 278 87 73 Andrea Balatka 18:00.6 7:50 Stafford 276 88 74 Kaitlin Bellamy 18:01.7 7:50 Stafford 1469 89 75 Kierney Waldron 18:02.5 7:51 Adams Middle 1519 90 76 Lauren Prema 18:02.8 7:51 Moran 355 91 77 Ashley Hlastava 18:03.8 7:51 Lisbon 1274 92 78 Alyssa Kalentkowski 18:05.8 7:52 McGee 384 93 79 Lauren Glowiak 18:07.5 7:53 McGee 333 94 80 Caroline McNally 18:12.4 7:55 Dag Hammarskjold 323 95 81 Christina Berry 18:13.5 7:55 Fisher 386 96 82 Molly Gillette 18:16.6 7:57 McGee 393 97 83 Caitlin Kuhn 18:18.2 7:58 Schagticoke
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
285 98 84 Meghan Breen 18:25.7 8:01 Griswold 1466 99 85 Alex Hoey 18:26.8 8:01 Adams Middle 443 100 86 Liz Watt 18:27.3 8:01 Rochambeau 442 101 87 Melissa Cooling 18:27.7 8:02 Rochambeau 1524 102 88 Lauren Sharkey 18:28.0 8:02 Moran 303 103 89 Carolyn McFee 18:28.3 8:02 Bennet 1464 104 90 Juliet Bleumling 18:28.8 8:02 Adams Middle 369 105 91 Jane Bugbee 18:30.0 8:03 Illing 1045 106 92 Christina Slot 18:30.5 8:03 Dodd 396 107 93 Bethany St. Pierre 18:30.9 8:03 Kelly 344 108 94 Jenny Barnett 18:31.9 8:03 Ledyard 368 109 95 Jessica Muirhead 18:32.6 8:04 Illing 446 110 Hallie Heineman 18:35.6 8:05 Teacher’s Memorial 395 111 96 Anna Cullen 18:36.9 8:06 Schagticoke 343 112 97 Melissa Dutton 18:37.5 8:06 Ledyard 356 113 98 Sara Rogers 18:38.3 8:06 Lisbon 423 114 Brittany Sullivan 18:38.8 8:06 Tyl Middle 337 115 Kaitlyn Rechenberg 18:39.8 8:07 St. John 1498 116 99 Meredith sasko 18:44.3 8:09 Wheeler 390 117 100 Kelsey Bull 18:44.6 8:09 Schagticoke 347 118 101 Katy Harty 18:46.0 8:10 Ellington 286 119 102 Marissa Gromko 18:49.1 8:11 Griswold 419 120 103 Alison Lawton 18:49.8 8:11 Granby 316 121 104 Alyssa Wollman 18:50.5 8:12 North Branford 349 122 105 Taylor Lucic 18:50.8 8:12 Ellington 1485 123 106 Nicole Salerno 18:51.3 8:12 Memorial 428 124 Kaila Finn 18:52.3 8:12 Tyl Middle 350 125 107 Rachel Kelliher 18:53.5 8:13 Ellington 1501 126 108 Ashley Kettlety 18:53.9 8:13 Wheeler 457 127 109 Cara Boscarino 18:54.1 8:13 East Hampton 1056 128 110 Nicole Siddall 18:54.4 8:13 Dodd 310 129 111 Natalie Tucci 18:55.3 8:14 Woodrow Wilson 357 130 112 Jamie Bodington 18:57.0 8:14 Lisbon 447 131 Kastley Marvin 18:58.9 8:15 Teacher’s Memorial 351 132 113 Tara Heffernan 18:59.3 8:15 Ellington 277 133 114 Rachelyn Provencher 18:59.6 8:15 Stafford 391 134 115 Julie Visser 18:59.9 8:16 Schagticoke 456 135 116 Bethany Kacich 19:00.6 8:16 East Hampton 482 136 117 Samantha Stanton 19:01.1 8:16 Moran 468 137 Leah Morse 19:01.4 8:16 Nathan Hale 402 138 118 Andrea Love 19:02.0 8:17 Kelly 318 139 119 Amanda Cottiero 19:02.6 8:17 North Branford 311 140 120 Dana Tome 19:03.8 8:17 Woodrow Wilson 1500 141 121 Charlotte Janda 19:05.2 8:18 Wheeler 370 142 122 Jenny Bunce 19:05.5 8:18 Illing 426 143 Allie Mitton 19:07.6 8:19 Tyl Middle 312 144 123 Nora Miller 19:10.1 8:20 Woodrow Wilson 1490 145 124 Becky Kruge 19:11.7 8:21 Memorial 429 146 Ellen Dobbin 19:12.9 8:21 East Hartford 371 147 125 Megan Bonk 19:14.0 8:22 Illing 1450 148 126 Caitlyn Chapman 19:14.9 8:22 Killingly 470 149 Allie Quinlan 19:15.4 8:22 Nathan Hale 326 150 127 Amara Breault 19:16.1 8:23 Fisher 407 151 128 Becky Turner 19:19.2 8:24 Woodbury 372 152 129 Colleen Mason 19:19.4 8:24 Illing 394 153 130 Sara Tyler 19:20.8 8:25 Schagticoke 360 154 Carlie Manchester 19:22.5 8:25 Washington 379 155 131 Hilary Upton 19:23.3 8:26 Pearson 1502 156 132 Beth Macinko 19:23.8 8:26 Wheeler 464 157 133 Stacy Mesyna 19:25.5 8:27 Killingly 449 158 Katrina DeJournett 19:26.8 8:27 Teacher’s Memorial 378 159 134 Amber Soldan 19:29.2 8:28 Pearson 282 160 135 Erin Webb 19:30.3 8:29 Stafford 307 161 136 Jackie Valencia 19:31.6 8:29 Bennet 305 162 137 Megan McFee 19:32.4 8:30 Bennet 417 163 138 Alison Leonard 19:32.6 8:30 Granby 325 164 139 Sharon Mierzejewski 19:34.0 8:30 Fisher 319 165 140 Valerie Licata 19:35.1 8:31 North Branford 375 166 141 Charlene Pond 19:37.3 8:32 Pearson 284 167 142 Hannah Boling 19:38.1 8:32 Griswold 314 168 143 Melissa Canzoni 19:38.4 8:32 Woodrow Wilson 328 169 144 Katie Scott 19:41.6 8:34 Fisher 1038 170 145 Jessica Andrea 19:44.8 8:35 Dodd 1487 171 146 Hailey Griffin 19:46.3 8:36 Memorial 327 172 147 Kimberly Gentile 19:48.0 8:37 Fisher 317 173 148 Kate Murdock 19:50.6 8:38 North Branford 458 174 149 Kelsey Taylor 19:55.3 8:40 East Hampton 279 175 150 Leanna Martinsen 19:55.9 8:40 Stafford 374 176 151 Kaitlin McGraine 19:57.7 8:41 Pearson 1465 177 152 Jonna Carroll 20:04.0 8:44 Adams Middle 421 178 153 Marcia Smith 20:04.5 8:44 Granby 400 179 154 Tina Brochu 20:06.9 8:45 Kelly 373 180 155 Ginger Harms 20:30.0 8:55 Pearson 416 181 156 Jen Varano 20:31.8 8:56 Granby 420 182 157 Nicole Henao 20:39.9 8:59 Granby
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
287 183 158 Kristina Kulhawy 20:43.9 9:01 Griswold 306 184 159 Kate Sulick 20:46.7 9:02 Bennet 313 185 160 Michelle Bullett 20:47.6 9:02 Woodrow Wilson 1467 186 161 Kaitlin Kowalsky 21:00.4 9:08 Adams Middle 1503 187 162 Chelsea Moffet 21:31.4 9:22 Wheeler 283 188 163 Ashley Bebee 21:32.9 9:22 Griswold 365 189 Katie Auletta 21:54.0 9:31 St. Mary 366 190 Katie Frechette 21:57.5 9:33 St. Mary 1491 191 164 Jennifer McGaw 22:02.3 9:35 Wheeler 315 192 165 Amanda Baum 22:05.9 9:37 North Branford 1455 193 166 Kayla Hewitt 22:45.2 9:54 Killingly ID# PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE
Team Scores 1. Timothy Edwards 300 2 Sage Small 15:16.0 6:38 297 3 Blaize Denfield 15:28.6 6:44 296 8 Selin Whitham 15:51.7 6:54 299 10 Stephanie Koepper 16:09.0 7:01 298 15 Susan Bakulski 16:22.7 7:07 Total Time = 79:07.9 Total Places = 38 2. Ledyard 339 5 Chelsea Labrecque 15:42.4 6:50 342 13 Susie Krakowiak 16:15.9 7:04 341 18 Shannon Walsh 16:27.8 7:09 340 31 Kelsea Fortner 16:46.0 7:17 338 40 Sarah Fritz 17:01.5 7:24 Total Time = 82:13.4 Total Places = 107 3. Dag Hammarskjold 332 12 Danielle Marias 16:11.0 7:02 331 25 Chelsea Krombel 16:42.7 7:16 334 28 Richelle Stainton 16:45.1 7:17 330 29 Jessica Harwood 16:45.4 7:17 335 48 Kristina Valintas 17:18.8 7:32 Total Time = 83:42.8 Total Places = 142 4. Rochambeau 438 19 Kasey Sullivan 16:28.5 7:10 439 26 Katie Baczeski 16:43.5 7:16 440 32 Katrina Landgrebe 16:46.5 7:18 444 45 Melanie Fernandes 17:16.0 7:30 441 50 Liz Basada 17:22.5 7:33 Total Time = 84:36.8 Total Places = 172 5. Dodd 295 6 Samantha Santacroce 15:48.2 6:52 291 22 Lara Kunde 16:33.9 7:12 293 30 Kate Griffin 16:45.7 7:17 290 58 Katherine Andreadis 17:36.4 7:39 1045 92 Christina Slot 18:30.5 8:03 Total Time = 85:14.5 Total Places = 208 6. Moran 1510 1 Ali Desjardins 15:06.0 6:34 479 24 Jackie Ogle 16:37.7 7:14 1518 54 Siovhan Meredith 17:28.0 7:36 1516 71 Kristen Langan 17:59.7 7:49 1519 76 Lauren Prema 18:02.8 7:51 Total Time = 85:14.1 Total Places = 226 7. McGee 380 4 Abby Czepiga 15:34.9 6:47 381 41 Kristen Kusek 17:05.9 7:26 382 65 Karen Benoit 17:47.7 7:44 1274 78 Alyssa Kalentkowski 18:05.8 7:52 384 79 Lauren Glowiak 18:07.5 7:53 Total Time = 86:41.6 Total Places = 267 8. Woodbury 404 11 Alyssa Cole 16:10.7 7:02 406 34 Annalisse Mahon 16:49.1 7:19 405 46 Rachel Zickefoose 17:17.6 7:31 403 72 Shannon Burns 18:00.0 7:50 407 128 Becky Turner 19:19.2 8:24 Total Time = 87:36.4 Total Places = 291 9. Adams Middle 1463 14 Emma Harmon 16:20.8 7:06 1476 57 Kate Rooney 17:33.7 7:38 1469 75 Kierney Waldron 18:02.5 7:51 1466 85 Alex Hoey 18:26.8 8:01 1464 90 Juliet Bleumling 18:28.8 8:02 Total Time = 88:52.5 Total Places = 321 10. East Hampton 454 49 Brittany Kelly 17:21.6 7:33 453 52 Claire Pearce 17:25.0 7:34 459 55 Jana Barmasse 17:29.0 7:36 455 66 Ashley Benoit 17:49.9 7:45 457 109 Cara Boscarino 18:54.1 8:13 Total Time = 88:59.5 Total Places = 331 11. Lisbon 352 39 Kathryn Zenowitz 16:58.1 7:23 353 51 Sarah Russell 17:24.5 7:34 354 70 Meegan Joly 17:57.4 7:48 355 77 Ashley Hlastava 18:03.8 7:51 356 98 Sara Rogers 18:38.3 8:06 Total Time = 89:02.1 Total Places = 335 12. Kelly 398 17 Cara Tramantozzi 16:25.9 7:09 399 47 Sarah Brown 17:17.8 7:31 397 61 Rebecca Mazzarella 17:43.7 7:42 396 93 Bethany St. Pierre 18:30.9 8:03 402 118 Andrea Love 19:02.0 8:17 Total Time = 89:00.2 Total Places = 336 13. Ellington 345 7 Marissa Kellner 15:50.4 6:53 346 68 Tina Pagano 17:51.4 7:46 348 69 Ariel Williams 17:51.7 7:46 347 101 Katy Harty 18:46.0 8:10 349 105 Taylor Lucic 18:50.8 8:12 Total Time = 89:10.2 Total Places = 350 14. Illing 367 16 Tina Hughes 16:25.5 7:09 1509 36 Jordan Smith 16:54.4 7:21 369 91 Jane Bugbee 18:30.0 8:03 368 95 Jessica Muirhead 18:32.6 8:04 370 122 Jenny Bunce 19:05.5 8:18 Total Time = 89:27.9 Total Places = 360 15. Schagticoke 389 33 Allie Bull 16:47.7 7:18 392 60 Kat Beckett 17:42.0 7:42 393 83 Caitlin Kuhn 18:18.2 7:58 395 96 Anna Cullen 18:36.9 8:06 390 100 Kelsey Bull 18:44.6 8:09 Total Time = 90:09.2 Total Places = 372 16. Memorial 1481 38 Megan Milburn 16:57.7 7:23 1484 53 Laura Reily 17:27.0 7:35 1483 56 Christine McAnlay 17:29.4 7:36 1485 106 Nicole Salerno 18:51.3 8:12 1490 124 Becky Kruge 19:11.7 8:21 Total Time = 89:57.0 Total Places = 377 17. Stafford 280 21 Jackie Zigadlo 16:33.5 7:12 278 73 Andrea Balatka 18:00.6 7:50 276 74 Kaitlin Bellamy 18:01.7 7:50 277 114 Rachelyn Provencher 18:59.6 8:15 282 135 Erin Webb 19:30.3 8:29 Total Time = 91:05.6 Total Places = 417 18. Woodrow Wilson 308 20 Emma Miller 16:31.0 7:11 309 44 Michelle Marino 17:13.5 7:29 310 111 Natalie Tucci 18:55.3 8:14 311 120 Dana Tome 19:03.8 8:17 312 123 Nora Miller 19:10.1 8:20 Total Time = 90:53.6 Total Places = 418 19. Fisher 322 23 Jennifer Dutkiewicz 16:34.5 7:12 324 64 Carla Lyga 17:46.3 7:44 323 81 Christina Berry 18:13.5 7:55 326 127 Amara Breault 19:16.1 8:23 325 139 Sharon Mierzejewski 19:34.0 8:30 Total Time = 91:24.3 Total Places = 434 20. Pearson 377 9 Brianna Smyth 15:56.6 6:56 376 43 Britany Smyth 17:13.0 7:29 379 131 Hilary Upton 19:23.3 8:26 378 134 Amber Soldan 19:29.2 8:28 375 141 Charlene Pond 19:37.3 8:32 Total Time = 91:39.2 Total Places = 458 21. Granby 415 35 Beth Cote 16:49.8 7:19 418 63 Erica Sands 17:44.3 7:43 419 103 Alison Lawton 18:49.8 8:11 417 138 Alison Leonard 19:32.6 8:30 421 153 Marcia Smith 20:04.5 8:44 Total Time = 93:00.8 Total Places = 492 22. Wheeler 1499 42 Heather Potter 17:07.5 7:27 1498 99 Meredith sasko 18:44.3 8:09 1501 108 Ashley Kettlety 18:53.9 8:13 1500 121 Charlotte Janda 19:05.2 8:18 1502 132 Beth Macinko 19:23.8 8:26 Total Time = 93:14.5 Total Places = 502 23. Killingly 460 37 Tyanne Despirt 16:57.1 7:22 461 67 Maria Bernier 17:51.0 7:46 1450 126 Caitlyn Chapman 19:14.9 8:22 464 133 Stacy Mesyna 19:25.5 8:27 1455 166 Kayla Hewitt 22:45.2 9:54 Total Time = 96:13.5 Total Places = 529 24. North Branford 321 62 Nicole Bognar 17:44.0 7:43 316 104 Alyssa Wollman 18:50.5 8:12 318 119 Amanda Cottiero 19:02.6 8:17 319 140 Valerie Licata 19:35.1 8:31 317 148 Kate Murdock 19:50.6 8:38 Total Time = 95:02.5 Total Places = 573 25. Bennet 304 59 Page O’neil 17:37.4 7:40 303 89 Carolyn McFee 18:28.3 8:02 307 136 Jackie Valencia 19:31.6 8:29 305 137 Megan McFee 19:32.4 8:30 306 159 Kate Sulick 20:46.7 9:02 Total Time = 95:56.2 Total Places = 580 26. Griswold 285 84 Meghan Breen 18:25.7 8:01 286 102 Marissa Gromko 18:49.1 8:11 284 142 Hannah Boling 19:38.1 8:32 287 158 Kristina Kulhawy 20:43.9 9:01 283 163 Ashley Bebee 21:32.9 9:22 Total Time = 99:09.5 Total Places = 649 Top