2006 Connecticut Middle School X-Country Championship - Boys' A Race

Manchester, CT

Nov. 4, 2006

Sunny, 52 Degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing / www.usaxc.com

Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.

        Team Scores

  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER           TIME     PACE        TEAM         

  703     1     1  David Bendzinski           13:14.6    5:46  Rham                 
 1489     2     2  Robert Averill             13:17.3    5:47  Moran                
 1449     3     3  Jeff Moretti               13:24.5    5:50  Adams                
  248     4     4  Sean Mueller               13:26.5    5:51  Dodd-Cheshire        
 1105     5     5  Nick Carlson               13:32.4    5:53  Lyme- Old Lyme       
 1490     6     6  Jeffrey Martin             13:34.7    5:54  Moran                
 1235     7     7  John Calo                  13:36.9    5:55  Thompson             
 1816     8     8  Colin McCrory              13:38.9    5:56  Rochambeau- Southbury 
 1833     9     9  Troy Volanth               13:44.3    5:58  Rochambeau- Southbury 

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top

267 10 10 Spencer Daniel 13:48.2 6:00 Litchfield 1139 11 11 Robbie Baillargeon 13:48.8 6:00 Jfk Enfield 1450 12 12 Matt Marchand 13:52.6 6:02 Adams 103 13 13 Brent Cornwall 13:53.4 6:02 Dag- Wallingford 1492 14 14 Keith Dorsey 13:54.6 6:03 Moran 38 15 15 Joey Bonazelli 13:55.3 6:03 Timothy Edwards 862 16 16 Jon Novitski 13:57.0 6:04 Memorial Middlebury 812 17 17 Jonathan Choiniere 13:58.5 6:05 Griswold 411 18 18 Andrew Roussey 14:00.5 6:05 Tolland 1531 19 19 Corey Hedges 14:02.1 6:06 Smith- Glastonbury 1491 20 20 William Gabbert 14:02.8 6:06 Moran 813 21 21 Connor Frizzell 14:03.6 6:07 Griswold 515 22 22 Carl Underwood 14:04.5 6:07 Woodstock 1820 23 23 Ryan Merklen 14:05.8 6:08 Rochambeau- Southbury 118 24 24 Dan Fields 14:07.0 6:08 Lebanon 1451 25 25 Will Stilitis 14:08.7 6:09 Adams 2035 26 Ryan Mariotti 14:09.6 6:09 Lr 46 27 26 Brendan Gauthier 14:09.9 6:10 Timothy Edwards 921 28 27 Joseph Begley 14:10.4 6:10 Suffield 2106 29 28 Ben Ostrowski 14:11.0 6:10 East Lyme 2101 30 29 Ivan Carlson 14:11.8 6:10 East Lyme 243 31 30 Tyler Bisson 14:13.3 6:11 Dodd-Cheshire 1324 32 31 Steven Crnic 14:14.7 6:12 New Fairfield 1789 33 32 Jonathan Bauer 14:16.8 6:13 Rochambeau- Southbury 120 34 33 Dan Iturrino 14:18.6 6:13 Lebanon 1258 35 34 Kevin Babcock 14:19.0 6:14 Vernon 598 36 35 Jeremy King 14:19.3 6:14 Old Saybrook 1102 37 36 Ryan Nunn 14:19.7 6:14 Lyme- Old Lyme 838 38 37 Ed Garrity 14:20.0 6:14 Memorial Middlebury 406 39 38 Trevor Lafontaine 14:21.0 6:14 Tolland 594 40 39 Joe Ferrantelli 14:25.4 6:16 Old Saybrook 354 41 40 Bill Maloney 14:26.1 6:17 Shelton 1716 42 41 Travis Cozzi 14:26.9 6:17 East Hampton 1627 43 42 Michael Preble 14:27.3 6:17 Tyl- Montville 846 44 43 Mike Piro 14:27.7 6:17 Memorial Middlebury 501 45 44 Shaun Sullivan 14:28.3 6:18 McGee 1009 46 45 John Fountain 14:29.4 6:18 Hartford 102 47 46 Allen Copas 14:29.7 6:18 Dag- Wallingford 963 48 47 Nick Rigby 14:30.0 6:18 Suffield 599 49 48 Clay Farrell 14:30.7 6:19 Old Saybrook 682 50 49 Raymond Tyler 14:31.8 6:19 Fisher- Bristol 1533 51 50 Sam Julien 14:32.7 6:19 Smith- Glastonbury 1795 52 51 Jackson Burzynski 14:34.0 6:20 Rochambeau- Southbury 1929 53 Wilson Keith 14:34.6 6:20 Broadview- Danbury 1493 54 52 Nicholas Capozzi 14:35.3 6:21 Moran 1262 55 53 Gabe Godfrey 14:35.7 6:21 Vernon 1547 56 54 Dan Cardin 14:36.6 6:21 Lisbon 969 57 55 Alan Zaffetti 14:38.3 6:22 Suffield 56 58 56 Sam McKeown 14:39.4 6:22 Timothy Edwards 1322 59 57 Chris Cheng 14:40.1 6:23 New Fairfield 1900 60 58 Andrew Weiler 14:40.3 6:23 Kelly Norwich 437 61 59 Blake Fenwick 14:40.5 6:23 Thomaston 1458 62 60 Zachary Cattaruzza 14:41.2 6:23 Adams 2031 63 Michael Joyce 14:43.7 6:24 Holy Trinity 244 64 61 Philip Caldwell 14:44.0 6:24 Dodd-Cheshire 1179 65 62 Kyle Pugrab 14:44.4 6:25 Ellington 245 66 63 Jack Cunningham 14:44.6 6:25 Dodd-Cheshire 1706 67 64 Rosse Gates 14:45.0 6:25 East Hampton 1879 68 65 Eddy Leighton 14:45.5 6:25 Kelly Norwich 207 69 66 Dylan Hammerman 14:47.2 6:26 Sage Park-Windsor 513 70 67 Dan Solomon 14:47.6 6:26 Woodstock 41 71 68 Louis Clayton 14:48.0 6:26 Timothy Edwards 721 72 69 Kyle Shillings 14:48.3 6:26 Rham 1829 73 70 Brandon Smerekanicz 14:49.0 6:27 Rochambeau- Southbury 954 74 71 Daniel Moroney 14:50.2 6:27 Suffield 511 75 72 Nathan O'Leary 14:50.6 6:27 Woodstock 51 76 73 Dean Jackson 14:51.2 6:27 Timothy Edwards 247 77 74 Mike Dickinson 14:51.5 6:28 Dodd-Cheshire 702 78 75 Matt Angelo 14:51.8 6:28 Rham 1453 79 76 Kevin Maguire 14:52.5 6:28 Adams 1323 80 77 Robert Cheng 14:53.0 6:28 New Fairfield 1955 81 78 Jake Kawulicz 14:53.2 6:28 Bethel 707 82 79 Brian Culmo 14:53.5 6:29 Rham 353 83 80 Joe Wilbur 14:54.3 6:29 Shelton 1149 84 81 Kevin Broems 14:54.9 6:29 Jfk Enfield 416 85 82 Tim Zigmont 14:55.3 6:29 Tolland 1311 86 83 Richard Rivellini 14:55.7 6:29 North Branford 1828 87 84 Christopher Radlicz 14:56.1 6:30 Rochambeau- Southbury 610 88 85 Andrew DeAntonis 14:56.5 6:30 Old Saybrook 512 89 86 Anthony Dean 14:57.0 6:30 Woodstock 1698 90 87 David Einsiedel 14:57.6 6:30 East Hampton 1872 91 88 Hunter French 14:58.4 6:31 Kelly Norwich 851 92 89 Brian Westerman 15:01.2 6:32 Memorial Middlebury 1546 93 90 Antone Almeida 15:02.6 6:32 Lisbon 113 94 91 Brian Murphy 15:05.1 6:34 Dag- Wallingford 1494 95 92 Thomas Lupoli 15:05.4 6:34 Moran 1733 96 John Stingle 15:05.7 6:34 Granby 1728 97 Mike Cote 15:05.9 6:34 Granby 549 98 93 Patrick Graham 15:06.2 6:34 Pomfret 1182 99 94 Alex Smith 15:07.9 6:35 Ellington 1534 100 95 Brandon Shore 15:09.0 6:35 Smith- Glastonbury 398 101 96 Jamison Boucher 15:09.2 6:35 Tolland 444 102 97 Tim Zebrowski 15:09.7 6:36 Thomaston 1495 103 98 Kurt Tiedemann 15:10.4 6:36 Moran 1660 104 99 Zack Marcoux 15:10.7 6:36 Har- Bur 1532 105 100 Tyler Keane 15:11.7 6:36 Smith- Glastonbury 1548 106 101 Nate Brochu 15:12.0 6:37 Lisbon 939 107 102 Owen Hastings 15:12.4 6:37 Suffield 1382 108 103 Jack Tompkins 15:12.6 6:37 Cutler Mystic 122 109 104 Dan Shenkle 15:12.8 6:37 Lebanon 550 110 105 Nate Kacerik 15:13.6 6:37 Pomfret 664 111 106 Anderson Brad 15:14.8 6:38 Fisher- Bristol 1413 112 107 Brandon Mackie 15:15.2 6:38 Illing 1549 113 108 Clinton Babcock 15:15.4 6:38 Lisbon 1143 114 109 Kevin Nelson 15:15.7 6:38 Jfk Enfield 1537 115 110 Aidan Callan 15:15.9 6:38 Smith- Glastonbury 874 116 111 Noah Mathews 15:16.2 6:38 Memorial Middlebury 1387 117 112 Alex Olendorf 15:16.4 6:38 Cutler Mystic 1464 118 113 Mike McGowan 15:16.7 6:39 Adams 1406 119 114 Jake Churchill 15:16.9 6:39 Illing 1181 120 115 Andy Schneider 15:17.1 6:39 Ellington 841 121 116 Andrew Kotsaftis 15:17.3 6:39 Memorial Middlebury 412 122 117 Greg Roussey 15:17.5 6:39 Tolland 1536 123 118 Patrick Scullion 15:18.1 6:39 Smith- Glastonbury 706 124 119 Brian Cummings 15:18.3 6:39 Rham 639 125 Brian Poirier 15:19.1 6:40 St Timothy 761 126 120 Alec Ethier 15:19.4 6:40 Brooklyn 356 127 121 Steve Arena 15:22.0 6:41 Shelton 600 128 122 Dalton Ahern 15:23.0 6:41 Old Saybrook 275 129 123 Matt Markelon 15:24.0 6:42 Litchfield 1414 130 124 Tyler Racca 15:27.0 6:43 Illing 1183 131 125 Cameron Waters 15:27.4 6:43 Ellington 498 132 126 Ben Lohmeyer 15:28.7 6:44 McGee 941 133 127 Brendan Kirshbaum 15:29.0 6:44 Suffield 477 134 128 Dante Howell 15:29.2 6:44 McGee 1099 135 129 David Gardiner 15:29.6 6:44 Lyme- Old Lyme 1171 136 130 Michael Bahler 15:30.0 6:44 Ellington 1957 137 131 Nick Spinella 15:30.3 6:45 Bethel 1888 138 132 Zach Morse 15:30.6 6:45 Kelly Norwich 1137 139 133 Christian Jarvis 15:30.9 6:45 Jfk Enfield 1326 140 134 Brendan Frobey 15:31.1 6:45 New Fairfield 1672 141 135 Abby Florian 15:31.6 6:45 Har- Bur 1304 142 136 Dan Kelleher 15:31.9 6:45 North Branford 206 143 137 Clay Curry 15:32.1 6:45 Sage Park-Windsor 673 144 138 Greenlaw Tanner 15:32.3 6:45 Fisher- Bristol 203 145 139 Partick Sponzo 15:32.5 6:45 Sage Park-Windsor 360 146 140 Stevie Torres 15:32.8 6:46 Shelton 1898 147 141 Mike Tramontozzi 15:33.2 6:46 Kelly Norwich 438 148 142 Mark Hamzey 15:34.1 6:46 Thomaston 552 149 143 Zachary Wilcox 15:34.6 6:46 Pomfret 503 150 144 Tanner McReynolds 15:35.9 6:47 Woodstock 548 151 145 Dan Gagnon 15:36.3 6:47 Pomfret 1112 152 146 Matt Rusmussen 15:37.0 6:47 Lyme- Old Lyme 715 153 147 Devin McAfee 15:37.3 6:48 Rham 1717 154 148 Tyler Folkes 15:37.7 6:48 East Hampton 1259 155 149 Taylor Botteron 15:38.2 6:48 Vernon 870 156 150 Justin Griffin 15:40.3 6:49 Memorial Middlebury 1452 157 151 Chris Minatti 15:40.7 6:49 Adams 268 158 152 Sean Gannon 15:41.1 6:49 Litchfield 551 159 153 Holland Rajaniemi 15:41.6 6:49 Pomfret 1115 160 154 Wyatt Stanland 15:42.6 6:50 Lyme- Old Lyme 60 161 155 Andrew Pantason 15:43.2 6:50 Timothy Edwards 710 162 156 Kevin Garcia 15:43.5 6:50 Rham 547 163 157 Evan Deary 15:43.7 6:50 Pomfret 107 164 158 Conor Gagliardi 15:44.0 6:50 Dag- Wallingford 1550 165 159 Sam Blanchette 15:44.6 6:51 Lisbon 1327 166 160 Paul Hessler 15:46.2 6:51 New Fairfield 1236 167 161 Mitchell Brodeur 15:46.7 6:52 Thompson 112 168 162 Luke Marrinan 15:47.1 6:52 Dag- Wallingford 508 169 163 Chris Bates 15:48.2 6:52 Woodstock 578 170 164 Kaelan Hayes 15:49.0 6:53 Thomas Edison 55 171 165 James McKeown 15:50.5 6:53 Timothy Edwards 1995 172 166 Jack Grella 15:50.7 6:53 Fairfield Woods 803 173 167 Matt Frantz 15:51.0 6:54 Griswold 106 174 168 Jesse Edgar 15:51.3 6:54 Dag- Wallingford 1100 175 169 Jamie Gaudet 15:51.6 6:54 Lyme- Old Lyme 1535 176 170 Michael Shipman 15:52.1 6:54 Smith- Glastonbury 1308 177 171 Grayson Pedro 15:52.9 6:54 North Branford 359 178 172 Brian Fitzgerald 15:53.3 6:54 Shelton 1623 179 173 Sean Hanrahan 15:53.6 6:55 Tyl- Montville 434 180 174 Mike Bergamo 15:53.9 6:55 Thomaston 208 181 175 Ohemeng Kyeremateng 15:55.0 6:55 Sage Park-Windsor 504 182 176 Brandon Hebert 15:55.9 6:56 Woodstock 494 183 177 Michael Cassineri 15:56.5 6:56 McGee 1114 184 178 David Shoemaker 15:57.4 6:56 Lyme- Old Lyme 1956 185 179 John Elwood 15:58.3 6:57 Bethel 252 186 180 Ryan Black 15:59.6 6:57 Dodd-Cheshire 132 187 181 Devin McCall 15:59.9 6:57 Lebanon 121 188 182 Kyle Shaw 16:02.5 6:59 Lebanon 2000 189 183 Brendan Salese 16:03.0 6:59 Fairfield Woods 266 190 184 Jack Collins 16:03.4 6:59 Litchfield 125 191 185 Nick Holmes 16:03.8 6:59 Lebanon
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top

1656 192 186 Luke McNaboe 16:05.3 7:00 Har- Bur 1410 193 187 Jonathan Johnson 16:05.8 7:00 Illing 355 194 188 Kyle Packnick 16:06.1 7:00 Shelton 806 195 189 Christopher Plympton 16:06.4 7:00 Griswold 1960 196 190 Brendan Zielinski 16:07.9 7:01 Bethel 1012 197 191 Rudensky Anselme 16:08.5 7:01 Hartford 1959 198 192 Kyle Schlogl 16:09.7 7:02 Bethel 1985 199 193 Connor O'Day 16:11.4 7:02 Fairfield Woods 686 200 194 Sterner Matt 16:12.1 7:03 Fisher- Bristol 1408 201 195 Keegan Cavallo 16:14.0 7:04 Illing 1409 202 196 Brendon Jordan 16:16.0 7:04 Illing 767 203 197 Joshua Eccleston 16:17.4 7:05 Brooklyn 1958 204 198 Paul Andersen 16:18.3 7:05 Bethel 397 205 199 Connor Becz 16:19.0 7:06 Tolland 1436 206 200 Basil Polsonetti 16:19.2 7:06 Ledyard 805 207 201 Zach Petersen 16:19.5 7:06 Griswold 1695 208 202 Matthew Abbott 16:20.0 7:06 East Hampton 768 209 203 Tyler Malstrom 16:20.9 7:06 Brooklyn 2105 210 204 Tyler Marr 16:21.3 7:07 East Lyme 684 211 205 Rivard Josh 16:21.7 7:07 Fisher- Bristol 1983 212 206 Patrick Mimms 16:22.1 7:07 Fairfield Woods 1144 213 207 Garison Clark 16:22.3 7:07 Jfk Enfield 1885 214 208 Chase Moren 16:23.0 7:07 Kelly Norwich 1260 215 209 Zach Campbell 16:23.2 7:08 Vernon 1439 216 210 Spencer Jackson 16:23.7 7:08 Ledyard 1860 217 211 Eric Barlow 16:24.4 7:08 Kelly Norwich 677 218 212 Leclair Matt 16:24.7 7:08 Fisher- Bristol 1994 219 213 Jack Gavey 16:25.0 7:08 Fairfield Woods 104 220 214 Joe DeSandre 16:25.5 7:08 Dag- Wallingford 261 221 215 Connor Dieck 16:25.7 7:09 Litchfield 595 222 216 Trevor Alexander 16:26.1 7:09 Old Saybrook 1707 223 217 Thomas Grylka 16:26.4 7:09 East Hampton 1999 224 218 Kevin Ross 16:26.8 7:09 Fairfield Woods 1172 225 219 Robert Bahler 16:27.9 7:10 Ellington 672 226 220 Giblin Jonah 16:28.8 7:10 Fisher- Bristol 357 227 221 Lukas Hall 16:29.3 7:10 Shelton 202 228 222 Derek Galdet 16:30.5 7:11 Sage Park-Windsor 1313 229 223 Chris Selander 16:31.2 7:11 North Branford 1264 230 224 James Kane 16:31.5 7:11 Vernon 2103 231 225 Dylan Luce 16:32.6 7:12 East Lyme 1305 232 226 Dylon Mase 16:33.3 7:12 North Branford 1621 233 227 Kyler Fricke 16:36.1 7:13 Tyl- Montville 674 234 Kamens Bryan 16:37.2 7:14 Fisher- Bristol 271 235 228 Jerett Pedroncelli 16:37.6 7:14 Litchfield 1659 236 229 Cameron Flower 16:38.0 7:14 Har- Bur 1435 237 230 Michael Brannan 16:38.8 7:14 Ledyard 269 238 231 Geoff Hauser 16:39.5 7:15 Litchfield 321 239 Michael DiFrancesco 16:40.8 7:15 St John Watertown 807 240 232 Willem Dorff 16:41.1 7:15 Griswold 441 241 233 Billy O'Connor 16:41.4 7:15 Thomaston 665 242 Armbruster Adam 16:41.6 7:15 Fisher- Bristol 574 243 234 Alex Lopez 16:41.9 7:16 Thomas Edison 1987 244 235 Stuart Peters 16:42.6 7:16 Fairfield Woods 1551 245 236 David Wood 16:43.9 7:17 Lisbon 1240 246 237 Noah Van Dyke 16:44.2 7:17 Thompson 1152 247 238 Adrian Critchon 16:45.8 7:17 Jfk Enfield 250 248 239 Justin Zovas 16:46.2 7:18 Dodd-Cheshire 1385 249 240 Seamus Ward 16:48.5 7:19 Cutler Mystic 1384 250 241 Kyle Kerr 16:49.3 7:19 Cutler Mystic 497 251 242 Brendan Hull 16:50.1 7:19 McGee 2032 252 Adam Trumbley 16:50.8 7:20 Long River 1998 253 Joey Marx 16:52.3 7:20 Fairfield Woods 1992 254 James Weslow 16:52.6 7:20 Fairfield Woods 326 255 Steven Sicard 16:55.4 7:21 St John Watertown 1386 256 243 Tyler Crawford 16:56.4 7:22 Cutler Mystic 204 257 244 Brian Miele 16:57.1 7:22 Sage Park-Windsor 762 258 245 Ben Chagnot 16:57.3 7:22 Brooklyn 1145 259 246 Jacob Burnham 16:57.6 7:22 Jfk Enfield 440 260 247 Kevin LeClerc 17:00.0 7:23 Thomaston 439 261 248 Justin Kelley 17:02.5 7:25 Thomaston 401 262 249 Nick Cassarino 17:02.8 7:25 Tolland 1312 263 250 Tommy Steinke 17:03.8 7:25 North Branford 2100 264 251 Mitchel Brusseau 17:04.0 7:25 East Lyme 2009 265 Brian Regan 17:06.5 7:26 Fairfield Woods 1017 266 252 Jack Farrell 17:07.0 7:27 Hartford 183 267 253 Slater Roosa 17:09.6 7:28 Woodbury 1628 268 254 Joe Rainville 17:10.0 7:28 Tyl- Montville 190 269 255 Justin Knobloch 17:10.4 7:28 Woodbury 185 270 256 Alex Bak 17:10.8 7:28 Woodbury 1961 271 257 Troy Stratton-Deyo 17:11.7 7:29 Bethel 1440 272 258 Michael Delia 17:12.7 7:29 Ledyard 2107 273 259 Jonathan Syragakis 17:13.4 7:29 East Lyme 1552 274 260 Jared Cormier 17:14.0 7:30 Lisbon 1383 275 261 Lake Wyld 17:14.3 7:30 Cutler Mystic 485 276 262 Tyler Agostini 17:14.6 7:30 McGee 1330 277 263 Jackson McCormack 17:17.1 7:31 New Fairfield 1314 278 264 Kyle Saroka 17:17.5 7:31 North Branford 1625 279 265 Nick Kinder 17:17.9 7:31 Tyl- Montville 1008 280 266 Chris Lopez 17:19.0 7:32 Hartford 1266 281 267 Justin Simmons 17:26.8 7:35 Vernon 1014 282 268 John Fitzpatrick 17:28.3 7:36 Hartford 1020 283 269 Adrian Mojica 17:31.2 7:37 Hartford 1673 284 270 Hallie Lyon 17:32.0 7:37 Har- Bur 1238 285 271 Kendrick Safford 17:32.5 7:38 Thompson 1438 286 272 Matt Wilson 17:33.1 7:38 Ledyard 198 287 273 Alex Paparazzo 17:41.5 7:42 Woodbury 205 288 274 Ronnie Bowman 17:43.6 7:42 Sage Park-Windsor 495 289 275 Mike Fiorillo 17:45.3 7:43 McGee 765 290 276 Nicky Schley 17:46.9 7:44 Brooklyn 573 291 277 Corey Danz 17:51.0 7:46 Thomas Edison 195 292 278 Brian Dickinson 17:52.8 7:46 Woodbury 570 293 279 Frank Martineau 17:57.3 7:48 Thomas Edison 770 294 280 Michael Patrylak 17:59.1 7:49 Brooklyn 200 295 281 Joe Pistritto 18:03.0 7:51 Woodbury 1013 296 282 Sam Kelly 18:05.9 7:52 Hartford 178 297 283 Andrew Sampino 18:22.3 7:59 Woodbury
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top

1437 298 284 Niko Revis 18:30.2 8:03 Ledyard 257 299 Dan Stein 18:33.7 8:04 Dodd-Cheshire 810 300 285 Brian Sherman 18:37.7 8:06 Griswold 577 301 286 Brandon Zima 18:40.2 8:07 Thomas Edison 657 302 Dionne May 18:42.3 8:08 St Timothy 1246 303 287 J. Riley O'Connell 18:46.8 8:10 Thompson 766 304 288 Tanner Semmelrock 18:55.3 8:14 Brooklyn 568 305 289 Kevin Galarza 18:57.9 8:15 Thomas Edison 1990 306 Anders Sergerberg 18:59.6 8:15 Fairfield Woods 1441 307 290 Steven Galloway 19:03.3 8:17 Ledyard 1618 308 291 Adam Deshfey 19:12.5 8:21 Tyl- Montville 1239 309 292 Justin Robinson 19:17.1 8:23 Thompson 569 310 293 John Gallagher 19:21.3 8:25 Thomas Edison 1249 311 294 Bryan Clifford 19:29.5 8:29 Thompson 1617 312 295 Matt Collin 19:34.0 8:30 Tyl- Montville Team Scores PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Moran 94 2 6 14 20 52 92 98 13:53.0 1:18.0 2 Rochambeau- Southbury 123 8 9 23 32 51 70 84 14:04.0 0:55.2 3 Adams 176 3 12 25 60 76 113 151 14:12.0 1:28.1 4 Dodd-Cheshire 232 4 30 61 63 74 180 239 14:24.0 1:25.0 5 Timothy Edwards 238 15 26 56 68 73 155 165 14:28.8 0:55.9 6 Memorial Middlebury 296 16 37 43 89 111 116 150 14:36.4 1:19.2 7 Suffield 302 27 47 55 71 102 127 14:40.3 1:02.1 8 Old Saybrook 329 35 39 48 85 122 216 14:43.0 1:03.7 9 Rham 343 1 69 75 79 119 147 156 14:37.4 2:03.8 10 Tolland 351 18 38 82 96 117 199 249 14:44.7 1:17.0 11 Smith- Glastonbury 374 19 50 95 100 110 118 170 14:50.3 1:13.9 12 Woodstock 391 22 67 72 86 144 163 176 14:51.2 1:31.4 13 New Fairfield 459 31 57 77 134 160 263 15:01.1 1:31.5 14* Dag- Wallingford 470 13 46 91 158 162 168 214 14:59.9 1:53.7 15* Lyme- Old Lyme 470 5 36 129 146 154 169 178 14:56.3 2:10.3 16 Kelly Norwich 484 58 65 88 132 141 208 211 15:05.6 0:52.9 17 Lisbon 512 54 90 101 108 159 236 260 15:10.3 1:08.1 18 Lebanon 524 24 33 104 181 182 185 15:08.2 1:55.6 19 Ellington 526 62 94 115 125 130 219 15:13.4 0:45.7 20 Jfk Enfield 541 11 81 109 133 207 238 246 15:10.5 2:33.6 21 East Hampton 542 41 64 87 148 202 217 15:13.5 1:53.2 22 Shelton 553 40 80 121 140 172 188 221 15:13.7 1:27.2 23 Griswold 595 17 21 167 189 201 232 285 15:15.8 2:21.0 24 Pomfret 639 93 105 143 145 153 157 15:26.5 0:35.4 25 Vernon 669 34 53 149 209 224 267 15:29.6 2:12.5 26 Litchfield 684 10 123 152 184 215 228 231 15:28.5 2:37.6 27 Fisher- Bristol 692 49 106 138 194 205 212 220 15:34.6 1:50.0 28 Thomaston 705 59 97 142 174 233 247 248 15:36.0 2:00.9 29 McGee 717 44 126 128 177 242 262 275 15:38.6 2:21.8 30 Illing 727 107 114 124 187 195 196 15:39.8 0:58.9 31 East Lyme 737 28 29 204 225 251 259 15:40.2 2:53.0 32 Sage Park-Windsor 739 66 137 139 175 222 244 274 15:39.5 1:43.3 33 Bethel 770 78 131 179 190 192 198 257 15:43.9 1:16.5 34 North Branford 839 83 136 171 223 226 250 264 15:53.1 1:37.6 35 Har- Bur 919 99 135 186 229 270 16:11.6 2:21.3 36 Cutler Mystic 939 103 112 240 241 243 261 16:12.7 1:43.8 37* Fairfield Woods 961 166 183 193 206 213 218 235 16:10.5 0:34.4 38* Tyl- Montville 961 42 173 227 254 265 291 295 16:17.0 2:50.6 39 Thompson 963 7 161 237 271 287 292 294 16:29.5 5:09.9 40 Hartford 1022 45 191 252 266 268 269 282 16:30.5 2:59.0 41 Brooklyn 1041 120 197 203 245 276 280 288 16:32.4 2:27.6 42 Ledyard 1170 200 210 230 258 272 284 290 16:49.5 1:14.0 43 Thomas Edison 1240 164 234 277 279 286 289 293 17:23.9 2:51.3 44 Woodbury 1315 253 255 256 273 278 281 283 17:25.0 0:43.3 ID# PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE 1. Moran 1489 2 Robert Averill 13:17.3 5:47 1490 6 Jeffrey Martin 13:34.7 5:54 1492 14 Keith Dorsey 13:54.6 6:03 1491 20 William Gabbert 14:02.8 6:06 1493 52 Nicholas Capozzi 14:35.3 6:21 Total Time = 1:09:24.7 Total Places = 94 2. Rochambeau- Southbury 1816 8 Colin McCrory 13:38.9 5:56 1833 9 Troy Volanth 13:44.3 5:58 1820 23 Ryan Merklen 14:05.8 6:08 1789 32 Jonathan Bauer 14:16.8 6:13 1795 51 Jackson Burzynski 14:34.0 6:20 Total Time = 1:10:19.8 Total Places = 123 3. Adams 1449 3 Jeff Moretti 13:24.5 5:50 1450 12 Matt Marchand 13:52.6 6:02 1451 25 Will Stilitis 14:08.7 6:09 1458 60 Zachary Cattaruzza 14:41.2 6:23 1453 76 Kevin Maguire 14:52.5 6:28 Total Time = 1:10:59.6 Total Places = 176 4. Dodd-Cheshire 248 4 Sean Mueller 13:26.5 5:51 243 30 Tyler Bisson 14:13.3 6:11 244 61 Philip Caldwell 14:44.0 6:24 245 63 Jack Cunningham 14:44.6 6:25 247 74 Mike Dickinson 14:51.5 6:28 Total Time = 1:11:59.9 Total Places = 232 5. Timothy Edwards 38 15 Joey Bonazelli 13:55.3 6:03 46 26 Brendan Gauthier 14:09.9 6:10 56 56 Sam McKeown 14:39.4 6:22 41 68 Louis Clayton 14:48.0 6:26 51 73 Dean Jackson 14:51.2 6:27 Total Time = 1:12:23.8 Total Places = 238 6. Memorial Middlebury 862 16 Jon Novitski 13:57.0 6:04 838 37 Ed Garrity 14:20.0 6:14 846 43 Mike Piro 14:27.7 6:17 851 89 Brian Westerman 15:01.2 6:32 874 111 Noah Mathews 15:16.2 6:38 Total Time = 1:13:02.0 Total Places = 296 7. Suffield 921 27 Joseph Begley 14:10.4 6:10 963 47 Nick Rigby 14:30.0 6:18 969 55 Alan Zaffetti 14:38.3 6:22 954 71 Daniel Moroney 14:50.2 6:27 939 102 Owen Hastings 15:12.4 6:37 Total Time = 1:13:21.4 Total Places = 302 8. Old Saybrook 598 35 Jeremy King 14:19.3 6:14 594 39 Joe Ferrantelli 14:25.4 6:16 599 48 Clay Farrell 14:30.7 6:19 610 85 Andrew DeAntonis 14:56.5 6:30 600 122 Dalton Ahern 15:23.0 6:41 Total Time = 1:13:35.0 Total Places = 329 9. Rham 703 1 David Bendzinski 13:14.6 5:46 721 69 Kyle Shillings 14:48.3 6:26 702 75 Matt Angelo 14:51.8 6:28 707 79 Brian Culmo 14:53.5 6:29 706 119 Brian Cummings 15:18.3 6:39 Total Time = 1:13:06.6 Total Places = 343 10. Tolland 411 18 Andrew Roussey 14:00.5 6:05 406 38 Trevor Lafontaine 14:21.0 6:14 416 82 Tim Zigmont 14:55.3 6:29 398 96 Jamison Boucher 15:09.2 6:35 412 117 Greg Roussey 15:17.5 6:39 Total Time = 1:13:43.5 Total Places = 351 11. Smith- Glastonbury 1531 19 Corey Hedges 14:02.1 6:06 1533 50 Sam Julien 14:32.7 6:19 1534 95 Brandon Shore 15:09.0 6:35 1532 100 Tyler Keane 15:11.7 6:36 1537 110 Aidan Callan 15:15.9 6:38 Total Time = 1:14:11.4 Total Places = 374 12. Woodstock 515 22 Carl Underwood 14:04.5 6:07 513 67 Dan Solomon 14:47.6 6:26 511 72 Nathan O'Leary 14:50.6 6:27 512 86 Anthony Dean 14:57.0 6:30 503 144 Tanner McReynolds 15:35.9 6:47 Total Time = 1:14:15.7 Total Places = 391 13. New Fairfield 1324 31 Steven Crnic 14:14.7 6:12 1322 57 Chris Cheng 14:40.1 6:23 1323 77 Robert Cheng 14:53.0 6:28 1326 134 Brendan Frobey 15:31.1 6:45 1327 160 Paul Hessler 15:46.2 6:51 Total Time = 1:15:05.2 Total Places = 459 14*. Dag- Wallingford 103 13 Brent Cornwall 13:53.4 6:02 102 46 Allen Copas 14:29.7 6:18 113 91 Brian Murphy 15:05.1 6:34 107 158 Conor Gagliardi 15:44.0 6:50 112 162 Luke Marrinan 15:47.1 6:52 Total Time = 1:14:59.4 Total Places = 470 15*. Lyme- Old Lyme 1105 5 Nick Carlson 13:32.4 5:53 1102 36 Ryan Nunn 14:19.7 6:14 1099 129 David Gardiner 15:29.6 6:44 1112 146 Matt Rusmussen 15:37.0 6:47 1115 154 Wyatt Stanland 15:42.6 6:50 Total Time = 1:14:41.3 Total Places = 470 16. Kelly Norwich 1900 58 Andrew Weiler 14:40.3 6:23 1879 65 Eddy Leighton 14:45.5 6:25 1872 88 Hunter French 14:58.4 6:31 1888 132 Zach Morse 15:30.6 6:45 1898 141 Mike Tramontozzi 15:33.2 6:46 Total Time = 1:15:28.1 Total Places = 484 17. Lisbon 1547 54 Dan Cardin 14:36.6 6:21 1546 90 Antone Almeida 15:02.6 6:32 1548 101 Nate Brochu 15:12.0 6:37 1549 108 Clinton Babcock 15:15.4 6:38 1550 159 Sam Blanchette 15:44.6 6:51 Total Time = 1:15:51.2 Total Places = 512 18. Lebanon 118 24 Dan Fields 14:07.0 6:08 120 33 Dan Iturrino 14:18.6 6:13 122 104 Dan Shenkle 15:12.8 6:37 132 181 Devin McCall 15:59.9 6:57 121 182 Kyle Shaw 16:02.5 6:59 Total Time = 1:15:40.9 Total Places = 524 19. Ellington 1179 62 Kyle Pugrab 14:44.4 6:25 1182 94 Alex Smith 15:07.9 6:35 1181 115 Andy Schneider 15:17.1 6:39 1183 125 Cameron Waters 15:27.4 6:43 1171 130 Michael Bahler 15:30.0 6:44 Total Time = 1:16:06.8 Total Places = 526 20. Jfk Enfield 1139 11 Robbie Baillargeon 13:48.8 6:00 1149 81 Kevin Broems 14:54.9 6:29 1143 109 Kevin Nelson 15:15.7 6:38 1137 133 Christian Jarvis 15:30.9 6:45 1144 207 Garison Clark 16:22.3 7:07 Total Time = 1:15:52.6 Total Places = 541 21. East Hampton 1716 41 Travis Cozzi 14:26.9 6:17 1706 64 Rosse Gates 14:45.0 6:25 1698 87 David Einsiedel 14:57.6 6:30 1717 148 Tyler Folkes 15:37.7 6:48 1695 202 Matthew Abbott 16:20.0 7:06 Total Time = 1:16:07.2 Total Places = 542 22. Shelton 354 40 Bill Maloney 14:26.1 6:17 353 80 Joe Wilbur 14:54.3 6:29 356 121 Steve Arena 15:22.0 6:41 360 140 Stevie Torres 15:32.8 6:46 359 172 Brian Fitzgerald 15:53.3 6:54 Total Time = 1:16:08.5 Total Places = 553 23. Griswold 812 17 Jonathan Choiniere 13:58.5 6:05 813 21 Connor Frizzell 14:03.6 6:07 803 167 Matt Frantz 15:51.0 6:54 806 189 Christopher Plympton 16:06.4 7:00 805 201 Zach Petersen 16:19.5 7:06 Total Time = 1:16:18.9 Total Places = 595 24. Pomfret 549 93 Patrick Graham 15:06.2 6:34 550 105 Nate Kacerik 15:13.6 6:37 552 143 Zachary Wilcox 15:34.6 6:46 548 145 Dan Gagnon 15:36.3 6:47 551 153 Holland Rajaniemi 15:41.6 6:49 Total Time = 1:17:12.4 Total Places = 639 25. Vernon 1258 34 Kevin Babcock 14:19.0 6:14 1262 53 Gabe Godfrey 14:35.7 6:21 1259 149 Taylor Botteron 15:38.2 6:48 1260 209 Zach Campbell 16:23.2 7:08 1264 224 James Kane 16:31.5 7:11 Total Time = 1:17:27.6 Total Places = 669 26. Litchfield 267 10 Spencer Daniel 13:48.2 6:00 275 123 Matt Markelon 15:24.0 6:42 268 152 Sean Gannon 15:41.1 6:49 266 184 Jack Collins 16:03.4 6:59 261 215 Connor Dieck 16:25.7 7:09 Total Time = 1:17:22.3 Total Places = 684 27. Fisher- Bristol 682 49 Raymond Tyler 14:31.8 6:19 664 106 Anderson Brad 15:14.8 6:38 673 138 Greenlaw Tanner 15:32.3 6:45 686 194 Sterner Matt 16:12.1 7:03 684 205 Rivard Josh 16:21.7 7:07 Total Time = 1:17:52.7 Total Places = 692 28. Thomaston 437 59 Blake Fenwick 14:40.5 6:23 444 97 Tim Zebrowski 15:09.7 6:36 438 142 Mark Hamzey 15:34.1 6:46 434 174 Mike Bergamo 15:53.9 6:55 441 233 Billy O'Connor 16:41.4 7:15 Total Time = 1:17:59.6 Total Places = 705 29. McGee 501 44 Shaun Sullivan 14:28.3 6:18 498 126 Ben Lohmeyer 15:28.7 6:44 477 128 Dante Howell 15:29.2 6:44 494 177 Michael Cassineri 15:56.5 6:56 497 242 Brendan Hull 16:50.1 7:19 Total Time = 1:18:12.9 Total Places = 717 30. Illing 1413 107 Brandon Mackie 15:15.2 6:38 1406 114 Jake Churchill 15:16.9 6:39 1414 124 Tyler Racca 15:27.0 6:43 1410 187 Jonathan Johnson 16:05.8 7:00 1408 195 Keegan Cavallo 16:14.0 7:04 Total Time = 1:18:18.9 Total Places = 727 31. East Lyme 2106 28 Ben Ostrowski 14:11.0 6:10 2101 29 Ivan Carlson 14:11.8 6:10 2105 204 Tyler Marr 16:21.3 7:07 2103 225 Dylan Luce 16:32.6 7:12 2100 251 Mitchel Brusseau 17:04.0 7:25 Total Time = 1:18:20.7 Total Places = 737 32. Sage Park-Windsor 207 66 Dylan Hammerman 14:47.2 6:26 206 137 Clay Curry 15:32.1 6:45 203 139 Partick Sponzo 15:32.5 6:45 208 175 Ohemeng Kyeremateng 15:55.0 6:55 202 222 Derek Galdet 16:30.5 7:11 Total Time = 1:18:17.4 Total Places = 739 33. Bethel 1955 78 Jake Kawulicz 14:53.2 6:28 1957 131 Nick Spinella 15:30.3 6:45 1956 179 John Elwood 15:58.3 6:57 1960 190 Brendan Zielinski 16:07.9 7:01 1959 192 Kyle Schlogl 16:09.7 7:02 Total Time = 1:18:39.5 Total Places = 770 34. North Branford 1311 83 Richard Rivellini 14:55.7 6:29 1304 136 Dan Kelleher 15:31.9 6:45 1308 171 Grayson Pedro 15:52.9 6:54 1313 223 Chris Selander 16:31.2 7:11 1305 226 Dylon Mase 16:33.3 7:12 Total Time = 1:19:25.2 Total Places = 839 35. Har- Bur 1660 99 Zack Marcoux 15:10.7 6:36 1672 135 Abby Florian 15:31.6 6:45 1656 186 Luke McNaboe 16:05.3 7:00 1659 229 Cameron Flower 16:38.0 7:14 1673 270 Hallie Lyon 17:32.0 7:37 Total Time = 1:20:57.7 Total Places = 919 36. Cutler Mystic 1382 103 Jack Tompkins 15:12.6 6:37 1387 112 Alex Olendorf 15:16.4 6:38 1385 240 Seamus Ward 16:48.5 7:19 1384 241 Kyle Kerr 16:49.3 7:19 1386 243 Tyler Crawford 16:56.4 7:22 Total Time = 1:21:03.3 Total Places = 939 37*. Fairfield Woods 1995 166 Jack Grella 15:50.7 6:53 2000 183 Brendan Salese 16:03.0 6:59 1985 193 Connor O'Day 16:11.4 7:02 1983 206 Patrick Mimms 16:22.1 7:07 1994 213 Jack Gavey 16:25.0 7:08 Total Time = 1:20:52.3 Total Places = 961 38*. Tyl- Montville 1627 42 Michael Preble 14:27.3 6:17 1623 173 Sean Hanrahan 15:53.6 6:55 1621 227 Kyler Fricke 16:36.1 7:13 1628 254 Joe Rainville 17:10.0 7:28 1625 265 Nick Kinder 17:17.9 7:31 Total Time = 1:21:24.9 Total Places = 961 39. Thompson 1235 7 John Calo 13:36.9 5:55 1236 161 Mitchell Brodeur 15:46.7 6:52 1240 237 Noah Van Dyke 16:44.2 7:17 1238 271 Kendrick Safford 17:32.5 7:38 1246 287 J. Riley O'Connell 18:46.8 8:10 Total Time = 1:22:27.2 Total Places = 963 40. Hartford 1009 45 John Fountain 14:29.4 6:18 1012 191 Rudensky Anselme 16:08.5 7:01 1017 252 Jack Farrell 17:07.0 7:27 1008 266 Chris Lopez 17:19.0 7:32 1014 268 John Fitzpatrick 17:28.3 7:36 Total Time = 1:22:32.2 Total Places = 1022 41. Brooklyn 761 120 Alec Ethier 15:19.4 6:40 767 197 Joshua Eccleston 16:17.4 7:05 768 203 Tyler Malstrom 16:20.9 7:06 762 245 Ben Chagnot 16:57.3 7:22 765 276 Nicky Schley 17:46.9 7:44 Total Time = 1:22:41.9 Total Places = 1041 42. Ledyard 1436 200 Basil Polsonetti 16:19.2 7:06 1439 210 Spencer Jackson 16:23.7 7:08 1435 230 Michael Brannan 16:38.8 7:14 1440 258 Michael Delia 17:12.7 7:29 1438 272 Matt Wilson 17:33.1 7:38 Total Time = 1:24:07.6 Total Places = 1170 43. Thomas Edison 578 164 Kaelan Hayes 15:49.0 6:53 574 234 Alex Lopez 16:41.9 7:16 573 277 Corey Danz 17:51.0 7:46 570 279 Frank Martineau 17:57.3 7:48 577 286 Brandon Zima 18:40.2 8:07 Total Time = 1:26:59.4 Total Places = 1240 44. Woodbury 183 253 Slater Roosa 17:09.6 7:28 190 255 Justin Knobloch 17:10.4 7:28 185 256 Alex Bak 17:10.8 7:28 198 273 Alex Paparazzo 17:41.5 7:42 195 278 Brian Dickinson 17:52.8 7:46 Total Time = 1:27:05.1 Total Places = 1315