2011 MMSL Championship Boys' Race
Portland, CT
Oct. 28, 2011
Sunny, 43 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.
TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 158 1 1 Jonathan Jahn, 8 12:03.5 5:58 McGeePace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
189 2 2 Kyle Devine, 8 12:38.9 6:16 Griswold 156 3 3 Jake Harris, 8 12:49.2 6:21 McGee 107 4 4 Jordan Thomas, 8 12:56.7 6:24 East Hampton 290 5 5 David Dewey, 6 13:01.5 6:27 Cromwell 255 6 6 Evan Dunn, 8 13:05.9 6:29 Thomas Edison 1 7 7 Jacob Coleman, 8 13:11.0 6:32 Portland 4 8 8 David Tacey, 8 13:12.4 6:32 Portland 52 9 9 Leonid Funaro, 8 13:14.5 6:33 Strong 100 10 10 Jordan Michnowicz, 7 13:18.7 6:35 East Hampton 305 11 11 Jacob Ouelette, 7 13:42.9 6:47 Rham 188 12 12 William Crafa, 8 13:43.5 6:48 Griswold 176 13 13 Kristopher Begen, 7 13:44.2 6:48 Griswold 179 14 14 Cameron Cheyney, 7 13:44.6 6:48 Griswold 167 15 15 Kevin Russell, 8 13:45.0 6:48 McGee 102 16 16 Kyle Cutler, 8 13:45.5 6:49 East Hampton 170 17 17 Jonathan Zoccoli, 8 13:45.8 6:49 McGee 104 18 18 Adam Eurbin, 8 13:56.4 6:54 East Hampton 306 19 19 Michael Pampreen, 8 13:59.3 6:55 Rham 152 20 20 John Ezzo, 6 14:02.9 6:57 McGee 177 21 21 Mark Catania, 7 14:03.5 6:58 Griswold 146 22 22 Alex Curtin, 7 14:05.7 6:59 McGee 280 23 23 Devin Hall, 7 14:06.5 6:59 CromwellPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
162 24 24 Matt Morelli, 7 14:08.8 7:00 McGee 160 25 Robert McKeon, 7 14:10.3 7:01 McGee 308 26 25 Ryan Reed, 8 14:16.7 7:04 Rham 197 27 26 Scott Kennedy, 8 14:17.1 7:04 Griswold 315 28 27 Daniel Webster, 8 14:17.9 7:05 Rham 105 29 28 Christopher Ryan, 8 14:20.4 7:06 East Hampton 293 30 29 Jared Valentin, 6 14:22.9 7:07 Cromwell 253 31 30 Connor Lopresti, 8 14:23.4 7:07 Thomas Edison 92 32 31 Ross Hurne, 6 14:24.3 7:08 East Hampton 292 33 32 Blake Levitts, 6 14:25.9 7:09 Cromwell 60 34 33 Alex Wyskiel, 8 14:26.6 7:09 Strong 171 35 Andrew Zovich, 8 14:26.9 7:09 McGee 106 36 34 Brian Scheid, 8 14:30.2 7:11 East Hampton 183 37 35 Gabe Walerysiak, 7 14:33.9 7:13 Griswold 312 38 36 Matt Turo, 8 14:35.0 7:13 Rham 5 39 37 Jack Dougherty, 8 14:37.3 7:14 Portland 302 40 38 Dylan Manning, 7 14:39.3 7:15 Rham 157 41 Justin Heinke, 6 14:46.0 7:19 McGee 285 42 39 Kevin Novoa, 7 14:51.4 7:21 Cromwell 288 43 40 Blaise Serra, 7 14:52.1 7:22 Cromwell 145 44 Calvin Colby, 7 14:54.4 7:23 McGee 89 45 Aidan Daley, 6 14:55.7 7:23 East Hampton 53 46 41 Dmitrey Guenther, 7 14:57.0 7:24 Strong 175 47 Michael Davilla, 8 14:58.9 7:25 McGee 155 48 Alec Guzauckas, 8 14:59.7 7:25 McGee 310 49 42 Aaron Sauter, 8 15:01.0 7:26 Rham 13 50 43 Kevin McCellan, 7 15:03.1 7:27 Portland 7 51 44 Nick Lee, 8 15:04.1 7:28 Portland 191 52 Daniel Ellegard, 8 15:06.6 7:29 Griswold 6 53 45 Barndon Sadjak, 8 15:08.6 7:30 Portland 148 54 Danny Desroches, 8 15:17.7 7:34 McGee 199 55 James Presutti, 8 15:21.6 7:36 Griswold 143 56 Matt Baroni, 8 15:28.8 7:40 McGee 192 57 Nathan Friday, 8 15:34.2 7:42 Griswold 11 58 46 Eric Morin, 8 15:36.7 7:44 Portland 103 59 Daniel Einsiedel, 8 15:38.2 7:44 East Hampton 14 60 Tom Blanchard, 7 15:41.3 7:46 Portland 96 61 Erik Zawadniak, 6 15:41.9 7:46 East Hampton 304 62 Grant Nicholas, 7 15:46.1 7:48 Rham 3 63 Justin Staub, 8 15:53.6 7:52 Portland 289 64 47 Joey Buccheri, 6 15:54.9 7:53 Cromwell 267 65 48 Zac Czellecz, 7 15:56.7 7:54 Thomas Edison 180 66 Dario Kokic, 7 16:01.4 7:56 Griswold 196 67 Alex Janusko, 8 16:02.0 7:56 Griswold 295 68 Sean Barry, 8 16:02.4 7:56 Rham 291 69 Mark Lavrentyeva, 6 16:07.0 7:59 CromwellPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
275 70 Trevor Cook, 7 16:11.9 8:01 Cromwell 182 71 Joseph Sullivan, 7 16:14.4 8:02 Griswold 164 72 Johnny Nixer, 7 16:17.7 8:04 McGee 256 73 49 Giovanny Melendez, 7 16:22.3 8:06 Thomas Edison 98 74 Nicholas Claude, 7 16:25.6 8:08 East Hampton 184 75 Jack Aube, 8 16:32.5 8:11 Griswold 194 76 Justin Hewitt, 8 16:33.5 8:12 Griswold 147 77 Nick Damiena, 8 16:36.9 8:13 McGee 91 78 Seth Adam Gilman, 6 16:40.2 8:15 East Hampton 266 79 50 Owen O'Keefe, 8 16:41.5 8:16 Thomas Edison 159 80 Ben Kozak, 8 16:43.2 8:17 McGee 251 81 51 Chris Perez, 7 16:45.9 8:18 Thomas Edison 257 82 52 Isaiah Santana, 6 16:48.1 8:19 Thomas Edison 9 83 Kevin Shattuck, 8 16:54.5 8:22 Portland 15 84 Jacob Kostraba, 8 16:54.8 8:22 Portland 168 85 Max Wade, 8 16:55.2 8:23 McGee 8 86 Justin Willette, 8 17:00.3 8:25 Portland 54 87 53 Declan Keenan, 7 17:02.6 8:26 Strong 150 88 Brendan Ebert, 8 17:03.3 8:27 McGee 163 89 Dean Nemphos, 6 17:04.3 8:27 McGee 57 90 54 Owen Tobin, 8 17:04.7 8:27 Strong 276 91 Thomas Cook, 7 17:07.1 8:28 Cromwell 283 92 Nick Lozinski, 7 17:15.3 8:32 Cromwell 282 93 Jack Irvine, 7 17:16.2 8:33 Cromwell 279 94 Kevin Griffin, 7 17:16.8 8:33 Cromwell 314 95 Stephen Varnum, 7 17:23.9 8:37 Rham 94 96 Jonathan Terry, 6 17:30.6 8:40 East Hampton 166 97 Theo Reed, 7 17:32.2 8:41 McGee 316 98 Tyler Wheatly, 8 17:35.7 8:43 Rham 169 99 Mark Wojcicki, 7 17:37.3 8:43 McGee 99 100 Robert Hartt, 7 17:38.4 8:44 East Hampton 273 101 Adam Michaud, 8 17:39.1 8:44 Cromwell 95 102 Gregory Wentworth, 6 17:39.9 8:45 East Hampton 311 103 Caleb Smith, 7 17:40.4 8:45 Rham 55 104 55 Josh Martowski, 8 17:41.3 8:45 Strong 187 105 Cameron Clarke, 8 17:45.4 8:47 Griswold 97 106 Chase Arnolds, 7 17:47.2 8:48 East Hampton 161 107 Steven Miano, 7 17:52.2 8:51 McGee 59 108 56 Troy Willis, 7 17:52.6 8:51 Strong 154 109 Alex Glabau, 7 17:52.8 8:51 McGee 58 110 George Trapp, 8 17:59.2 8:54 StrongPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
178 111 Patrick Cella, 7 18:28.6 9:09 Griswold 193 112 Abhishek Gupta, 8 18:31.5 9:10 Griswold 200 113 Timothy Rhouddou, 8 18:34.3 9:12 Griswold 195 114 Daniel Janikowski, 8 18:36.0 9:12 Griswold 51 115 Nick Cumello, 8 18:57.2 9:23 Strong 299 116 Jason Cook, 7 18:57.6 9:23 Rham 151 117 Michael Errico, 8 18:58.0 9:23 McGee 173 118 Matt Letendre, 6 19:01.0 9:25 McGee 303 119 Bryce Moquin, 8 19:02.2 9:25 Rham 297 120 Brad Bowers, 8 19:03.6 9:26 Rham 265 121 Tim Joy, 7 19:06.5 9:28 Thomas Edison 186 122 Peter Botticello, 8 19:10.4 9:29 Griswold 10 123 Kyle Bermani, 8 19:31.4 9:40 Portland 278 124 Sean Duffy, 7 19:39.2 9:44 Cromwell 309 125 Jacob Russo, 8 19:56.2 9:52 Rham 296 126 Stan Borsh, 8 19:56.5 9:52 RhamPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
185 127 Alex Bondi, 8 20:26.8 10:07 Griswold 249 128 Adon Trowbridge, 7 20:28.3 10:08 Thomas Edison 264 129 Matt Joy, 7 20:34.0 10:11 Thomas Edison 101 130 Austin Misorski, 7 20:52.0 10:20 East Hampton 17 131 Alex Phillips, 7 20:59.0 10:23 Portland 56 132 Joshua Small, 7 21:21.4 10:34 Strong 90 133 Noah Gawkowski, 6 21:44.9 10:46 East Hampton 16 134 Josh Scrivano, 7 21:45.4 10:46 PortlandPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
274 135 Christian Padua, 8 22:27.2 11:07 Cromwell 250 136 Brendan Medovich, 7 23:00.3 11:23 Thomas Edison 165 137 Max Pampuro, 6 23:01.7 11:24 McGeePace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
259 138 Jacob Parker, 6 26:01.0 12:53 Thomas Edison 260 139 Jayson Kennedy, 6 26:03.5 12:54 Thomas Edison Team Results PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 McGee 56 1 3 15 17 20 22 24 13:17.3 1:59.4 2 Griswold 62 2 12 13 14 21 26 35 13:34.9 1:24.7 3 East Hampton 76 4 10 16 18 28 31 34 13:39.5 1:23.7 4 Rham 118 11 19 25 27 36 38 42 14:10.4 0:52.1 5 Cromwell 128 5 23 29 32 39 40 47 14:09.6 1:49.9 6 Portland 139 7 8 37 43 44 45 46 14:13.6 1:53.2 7 Thomas Edison 183 6 30 48 49 50 51 52 15:18.0 3:35.6 8 Strong 190 9 33 41 53 54 55 56 15:21.1 3:50.2