2010 MMSL Championship Boys' Race

Rocky Hill, CT

Oct. 29, 2010

Cloudy 50 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com

Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.

                    Team Scores

  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER           TIME     PACE        TEAM         

  143     1     1  Gregson Curtin, 8          10:49.6    6:01  Griswold             
   78     2     2  Jon Jahn, 7                10:53.5    6:03  McGee                
  209     3     3  Justin Farnham, 7          11:03.5    6:09  Rham                 
   82     4     4  Adam Litwinko, 8           11:07.0    6:11  McGee                
  181     5     5  Jon Dolan, 8               11:08.1    6:11  Portland             
  349     6     6  Jordan Thomas, 7           11:08.6    6:11  East Hampton         
    4     7     7  Jacj O'Hara, 8             11:11.6    6:13  Cromwell             
  354     8     8  Thomas Einsiedel, 8        11:21.2    6:19  East Hampton         
  355     9     9  Liam Iorio, 8              11:21.6    6:19  East Hampton         
  192    10    10  Jacob Coleman, 7           11:25.0    6:21  Portland             
  353    11    11  Nathan Edwards, 8          11:27.9    6:22  East Hampton         
  204    12    12  Brad Bowers, 7             11:33.1    6:25  Rham                 
    3    13    13  Derek Parker, 8            11:34.0    6:26  Cromwell             
  214    14    14  Lucas Knopf, 7             11:35.5    6:26  Rham                 
  270    15    15  Ryan Gossart, 8            11:39.6    6:29  Strong               
  205    16    16  Ben Burke, 7               11:44.5    6:31  Rham                 
  223    17    17  Liam Shea, 8               11:45.3    6:32  Rham                 
   68    18    18  Alex Curtin, 6             11:46.1    6:32  McGee                
    5    19    19  Erik Rodriguez, 8          11:47.7    6:33  Cromwell             
    2    20    20  Luke Grandpre, 8           11:48.0    6:33  Cromwell             
    1    21    21  Jared Darius, 8            11:48.2    6:34  Cromwell             
  129    22    22  Kyle Devine, 7             11:53.9    6:37  Griswold             
   84    23    23  Kyle Mogielnicki, 6        11:54.3    6:37  McGee                
  128    24    24  William Crafa, 7           11:54.5    6:37  Griswold             
  212    25    25  Callum Henderson, 8        11:57.3    6:39  Rham                 
   37    26    26  Mark Kesilewski, 8         12:01.1    6:41  Thomas Edison        
  346    27    27  Adam Eurbin, 7             12:02.1    6:41  East Hampton         
  145    28    28  Ryan Oliva, 8              12:03.2    6:42  Griswold             
   77    29    29  Jake Harris, 7             12:03.5    6:42  McGee                
  217    30    30  Alex Maneggia, 8           12:04.7    6:43  Rham                 
   11    31    31  Kyle Wemmell, 7            12:08.5    6:45  Cromwell             
   44    32    32  Evan Dunn, 7               12:14.8    6:48  Thomas Edison        
  357    33    33  Andrew Norton, 8           12:17.0    6:49  East Hampton         
  210    34        Colin Fitzgerald, 8        12:18.2    6:50  Rham                 
   36    35    34  Brenden Balch, 8           12:21.8    6:52  Thomas Edison        
  208    36        Zachary Dalton, 7          12:23.8    6:53  Rham                 
   39    37    35  Randy Hernandez, 8         12:25.1    6:54  Thomas Edison        
  138    38    36  Brian Tassavor, 7          12:25.6    6:54  Griswold             
  201    39    37  David Tacey, 7             12:26.0    6:54  Portland             
  203    40        Sean Barry, 7              12:29.6    6:56  Rham                 
  225    41        Matt Turo, 7               12:30.3    6:57  Rham                 
   88    42    38  Dan Paskowski, 7           12:31.5    6:58  McGee                
   93    43    39  Kevin Savage, 8            12:32.3    6:58  McGee                
  148    44    40  Sean Renk, 8               12:33.4    6:59  Griswold             
  198    45    41  Tyler Beaulieu, 7          12:33.9    6:59  Portland             
  255    46    42  Alex Wyskiel, 7            12:34.2    6:59  Strong               

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top

52 47 43 Justin Mayer, 7 12:35.5 7:00 Thomas Edison 347 48 44 Christopher Ryan, 7 12:38.8 7:02 East Hampton 182 49 45 Noah Sanders, 8 12:40.0 7:02 Portland 350 50 Matthew Barber, 8 12:40.7 7:03 East Hampton 213 51 Robbie Hill, 8 12:42.9 7:04 Rham 220 52 Michael Pampreen, 7 12:43.2 7:04 Rham 264 53 46 Josh Collins, 8 12:45.8 7:05 Strong 86 54 Matt Morelli, 6 12:46.5 7:06 McGee 81 55 Kristian Lincoln, 8 12:47.1 7:06 McGee 45 56 47 Connor Lopresti, 7 12:50.3 7:08 Thomas Edison 91 57 Kevin Russell, 7 12:51.6 7:09 McGee 272 58 48 Tyler MacDonald, 8 12:52.1 7:09 Strong 256 59 49 Artie Koba, 8 12:52.3 7:09 Strong 207 60 Harrison Dalton, 8 12:55.7 7:11 Rham 95 61 Austin Withycombe, 6 12:56.2 7:11 McGee 79 62 Kevin Klotz, 6 12:57.8 7:12 McGee 10 63 50 Brett Halibozek, 8 13:02.5 7:15 Cromwell 260 64 51 Connor Steward, 8 13:03.2 7:15 Strong 356 65 Andrew Morse, 8 13:04.5 7:16 East Hampton 348 66 Briand Scheid, 7 13:05.2 7:16 East Hampton 194 67 52 Eric Morin, 7 13:06.5 7:17 Portland 6 68 Nick Gianni, 8 13:08.2 7:18 Cromwell 345 69 Daniel Einsiedel, 7 13:08.5 7:18 East Hampton 195 70 53 Justin Staub, 7 13:08.7 7:18 Portland 17 71 Ivan Hernandez, 6 13:18.2 7:24 Cromwell 134 72 54 Jimmy Presutti, 7 13:21.5 7:25 Griswold 136 73 James Sekorski, 7 13:21.7 7:25 Griswold 83 74 Phil Mader, 8 13:22.0 7:26 McGee 269 75 55 Owen Tobin, 7 13:22.7 7:26 Strong 216 76 Ben Lavasseur, 7 13:23.1 7:26 Rham 196 77 Kevin Shattuck, 7 13:24.0 7:27 Portland 70 78 Camreon Carlone, 6 13:32.7 7:32 McGee 358 79 Evan Salisbury, 8 13:35.9 7:33 East Hampton 146 80 Hamco Patkovic, 8 13:36.3 7:34 Griswold 8 81 Patrick Goldner, 8 13:36.7 7:34 Cromwell 72 82 Dan Desroches, 7 13:40.5 7:36 McGee 222 83 Jacob Russo, 7 13:43.2 7:37 Rham 274 84 Zach Terrill, 8 13:44.6 7:38 Strong 268 85 Nathan Sperl, 7 13:45.8 7:39 Strong 133 86 Alex Janusko, 7 13:47.3 7:40 Griswold 197 87 Justin Willette, 7 13:47.6 7:40 Portland 9 88 Kazim Jafri, 8 13:49.1 7:41 Cromwell 265 89 Josh Martowski, 7 13:49.4 7:41 Strong 211 90 Damon Hatch, 7 13:53.4 7:43 Rham 14 91 Trevor Cook, 6 13:54.6 7:44 Cromwell 221 92 William Plausse, 7 13:54.8 7:44 Rham 19 93 Thomas Cook, 6 14:06.7 7:50 Cromwell 273 94 Zac Schleicher, 7 14:07.6 7:51 Strong 343 95 Robert Hartt, 6 14:09.2 7:52 East Hampton 54 96 56 Chris Harlow, 6 14:14.3 7:55 Thomas Edison 141 97 Brendan Boornazian, 8 14:19.5 7:58 Griswold 69 98 Mark Bosse, 6 14:21.7 7:59 McGee
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top

15 99 Jack Irvine, 6 14:25.3 8:01 Cromwell 73 100 Brendan Ebert, 7 14:26.7 8:02 McGee 263 101 John McLaughlin, 8 14:30.5 8:04 Strong 142 102 Justin Court, 8 14:31.2 8:04 Griswold 200 103 Nick Lee, 7 14:33.1 8:05 Portland 125 104 Jack Aube, 7 14:35.1 8:06 Griswold 89 105 Theo Reed, 6 14:46.9 8:13 McGee 51 106 Colton Altmansberger, 7 14:47.1 8:13 Thomas Edison 127 107 Cameron Clarke, 7 14:48.9 8:14 Griswold 90 108 Andrew Rich, 6 14:50.9 8:15 McGee 226 109 Tyler Wheatley, 7 14:51.2 8:15 Rham 38 110 Jason Dimattia, 8 14:52.1 8:16 Thomas Edison 94 111 Max Wade, 7 14:52.6 8:16 McGee 7 112 Mike Lozinski, 8 14:53.8 8:17 Cromwell 139 113 Danny Shumaker, 7 14:56.3 8:18 Griswold 199 114 Jon Bongo, 7 14:57.2 8:19 Portland 266 115 Kyle Wyskiel, 7 14:59.5 8:20 Strong 41 116 Jason Cursio, 8 15:02.0 8:21 Thomas Edison 149 117 T J. Barbosa, 8 15:02.7 8:22 Griswold 16 118 Nick Lozinski, 6 15:03.6 8:22 Cromwell 262 119 Jack Riotte, 7 15:04.9 8:23 Strong 18 120 Kevin Griffin, 6 15:05.5 8:23 Cromwell 67 121 Matt Baroni, 7 15:10.9 8:26 McGee 215 122 Kenton Lafleur, 8 15:12.4 8:27 Rham 261 123 George Trapp, 7 15:13.6 8:28 Strong 257 124 Brennan Bates, 7 15:22.7 8:33 Strong 206 125 Jackson Collins, 8 15:22.9 8:33 Rham 57 126 Zak Czellecz, 6 15:36.3 8:40 Thomas Edison 147 127 Michael Perry, 8 15:43.5 8:44 Griswold 352 128 Alec deBrito, 8 15:43.7 8:44 East Hampton 219 129 Jarod Mimo, 7 15:47.4 8:46 Rham 258 130 Chris Copeland, 8 15:52.6 8:49 Strong 80 131 Ben Kozak, 7 16:00.5 8:54 McGee 342 132 Chase Arnold, 6 16:08.0 8:58 East Hampton 259 133 Connor Marszalek, 8 16:09.8 8:59 Strong 131 134 Justin Hewitt, 7 16:10.1 8:59 Griswold
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top

132 135 Daniel Janikowski, 7 16:16.6 9:03 Griswold 96 136 Mark Wojcieki, 6 16:23.3 9:06 McGee 40 137 Jamal Vaughters, 8 16:25.8 9:08 Thomas Edison 76 138 Ethan Hansen, 7 16:57.0 9:25 McGee 140 139 Deivydas Giedrimas, 7 16:57.3 9:25 Griswold 74 140 Alex Glabau, 6 17:04.8 9:29 McGee 271 141 Tommy Joyce, 7 17:08.0 9:31 Strong 75 142 Nathan Graves, 6 17:10.0 9:32 McGee 135 143 Tim Rhouddou, 7 17:16.0 9:36 Griswold 144 144 Sahil Laul, 8 17:35.7 9:47 Griswold 126 145 Peter Botticello, 7 17:38.9 9:48 Griswold 46 146 Eddie Vitale, 7 17:50.8 9:55 Thomas Edison 55 147 Adon Throwbridge, 6 17:52.2 9:56 Thomas Edison
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top

56 148 Chris Peres, 6 18:24.3 10:14 Thomas Edison 130 149 Abhishek Gupta, 7 18:25.0 10:14 Griswold 12 150 Christian Padua, 7 18:45.9 10:26 Cromwell 53 151 Matt Esposito, 7 19:12.0 10:40 Thomas Edison Team Scores PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 East Hampton 61 6 8 9 11 27 33 44 11:28.3 0:53.5 2 Rham 62 3 12 14 16 17 25 30 11:32.4 0:41.8 3 McGee 76 2 4 18 23 29 38 39 11:32.9 1:10.1 4 Cromwell 80 7 13 19 20 21 31 50 11:38.0 0:36.7 5 Griswold 111 1 22 24 28 36 40 54 11:49.4 1:36.0 6 Portland 138 5 10 37 41 45 52 53 12:02.7 1:32.0 7 Thomas Edison 170 26 32 34 35 43 47 56 12:19.7 0:34.5 8 Strong 200 15 42 46 48 49 51 55 12:32.8 1:12.7