2007 Mid-State Middle School League Invitational Boys' Race
Berlin, CT
Oct. 24, 2007
Cloudy, 57 degrees
Results by BC Sports Timing/www.usaxc.com
Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.
TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM 70 1 1 Garcia Kevin 12:33.9 6:17 Rham 112 2 2 Einsiedel David 12:34.3 6:17 East Hampton 264 3 3 Louis Tobias 12:47.3 6:24 Cromwell 104 4 4 Fagan Timothy 12:48.8 6:24 East Hampton 3 5 5 Carlone Colby 13:05.5 6:33 McGee 45 6 6 Anderson Scott 13:07.1 6:34 Rham 208 7 7 Harrison Chipkin 13:07.9 6:34 Griswold 120 8 8 Wheeler Jesse 13:10.6 6:35 East Hampton 210 9 9 Anthony Gallo 13:13.4 6:37 Griswold 94 10 10 White Bryan 13:18.6 6:39 Rham 116 11 11 Gates Rosse 13:20.8 6:40 East Hampton 130 12 12 Smith Colm 13:23.7 6:42 East Hampton 126 13 13 Lonsdale William 13:29.4 6:45 East Hampton 176 14 14 Riley Maynard 13:30.8 6:45 Portland 249 15 15 Mitch Brown 13:31.4 6:46 Durham 123 16 16 Root Jerry 13:33.3 6:47 East Hampton 178 17 17 Brandon Yon 13:33.7 6:47 Portland 114 18 Roberts Garrett 13:34.0 6:47 East Hampton 124 19 Loffredo Michael 13:35.0 6:48 East Hampton 110 20 Foberg Brian 13:41.4 6:51 East Hampton 132 21 Talbot Andrew 13:44.7 6:52 East Hampton 177 22 18 Shade Nofziger 13:45.1 6:53 Portland 2 23 19 Agostini Tyler 13:48.2 6:54 McGee 271 24 20 Adam Matyka 13:56.3 6:58 Cromwell 13 25 21 Norton Tim 13:57.9 6:59 McGee 51 26 22 Boonstra Spencer 13:58.3 6:59 RhamTopPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
15 27 23 Pomian Mike 14:03.2 7:02 McGee 6 28 24 DeSimone Jeremy 14:04.6 7:02 McGee 78 29 25 Maulucci Nick 14:05.2 7:03 Rham 49 30 26 Blake Anthony 14:16.0 7:08 Rham 180 31 27 Adam Mizener 14:21.1 7:11 Portland 82 32 28 Micoletti Nick 14:23.2 7:12 Rham 255 33 29 Brock Hoyt 14:23.6 7:12 Durham 113 34 Gates Caleb 14:27.2 7:14 East Hampton 19 35 30 Sirois Michael 14:31.1 7:16 McGee 133 36 Wilson Caleb 14:32.5 7:16 East Hampton 122 37 Hall Steven 14:35.3 7:18 East Hampton 184 38 31 Nick Blanchard 14:35.7 7:18 Portland 55 39 Burke Andrew 14:37.2 7:19 Rham 8 40 32 Grieder Ethan 14:37.8 7:19 McGee 131 41 Szkoda Blake 14:38.9 7:19 East Hampton 119 42 Grylka Thomas 14:39.3 7:20 East Hampton 7 43 Dwyer James 14:39.6 7:20 McGee 278 44 33 Sean McMahon 14:46.0 7:23 Cromwell 62 45 Depersia Cody 14:46.7 7:23 Rham 68 46 Fitzgerald Tim 14:47.7 7:24 Rham 14 47 Pollock Sean 14:48.3 7:24 McGee 128 48 Owen William 14:50.3 7:25 East Hampton 88 49 Salline Colby 14:51.5 7:26 Rham 181 50 34 Steven Churchill 14:52.6 7:26 Portland 66 51 Farnham Matthew 14:57.3 7:29 Rham 125 52 Tibus Seth 14:59.7 7:30 East Hampton 20 53 Stites Tyler 15:01.2 7:31 McGee 274 54 35 Sebastian Fortunato 15:03.6 7:32 Cromwell 98 55 Zammitti Jake 15:03.9 7:32 Rham 272 56 36 Kevin Francis 15:09.6 7:35 Cromwell 53 57 Bozzo Brian 15:13.1 7:37 Rham 200 58 37 Kyle Whalen 15:16.0 7:38 Griswold 204 59 38 Joe Crafa 15:19.8 7:40 Griswold 111 60 Perault Sam 15:25.5 7:43 East Hampton 117 61 Selavka Brian 15:26.9 7:43 East Hampton 121 62 McKinnney Matthew 15:28.0 7:44 East Hampton 96 63 Yaworsky Dylan 15:31.6 7:46 Rham 9 64 Kall Matthew 15:31.9 7:46 McGee 80 65 McCaffrey Connor 15:32.3 7:46 Rham 108 66 O'Meara Patrick 15:34.3 7:47 East Hampton 106 67 Benedict Matt 15:37.1 7:49 East Hampton 129 68 Scheid Charles 15:38.1 7:49 East Hampton 18 69 Shirley Tyler 15:40.0 7:50 McGee 127 70 Macha Shawn 15:41.9 7:51 East Hampton 109 71 Daddario Jared 15:42.8 7:51 East Hampton 198 72 39 Jake Rocamora 15:45.8 7:53 Griswold 253 73 40 Ben Plant 15:56.6 7:58 DurhamPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
47 74 Baribault Nate 15:59.2 8:00 Rham 197 75 41 Zack Forte 15:59.6 8:00 Griswold 191 76 42 Brian Canney 16:08.7 8:04 Griswold 23 77 Tomascak Jack 16:09.1 8:05 McGee 202 78 Austin Vivolo 16:10.6 8:05 Griswold 192 79 Joe McNaney 16:11.0 8:06 Griswold 250 80 43 Pat Daniels 16:11.8 8:06 Durham 259 81 44 Kevin Gawron 16:13.0 8:07 Durham 207 82 Jack Grant 16:13.4 8:07 Griswold 252 83 45 Akshay Vig 16:14.5 8:07 Durham 247 84 46 Jerrod Ravid 16:15.9 8:08 Durham 196 85 Brendan Sullivan 16:16.5 8:08 Griswold 84 86 Moscato Philip 16:16.8 8:08 Rham 186 87 47 Emmitt Coughlin 16:28.4 8:14 Portland 107 88 Fidler Jeff 16:33.6 8:17 East Hampton 11 89 Kissane Kyle 16:38.8 8:19 McGee 1 90 Addamo Sebby 16:39.1 8:20 McGee 90 91 Spellman Joe 16:39.7 8:20 Rham 76 92 Luby Mike 16:42.9 8:21 Rham 254 93 Bill Malcolm 16:44.4 8:22 Durham 24 94 Zoccoli Nick 16:46.4 8:23 McGee 246 95 Jacob Nickel 16:46.8 8:23 Durham 201 96 Nick Slavin 16:52.2 8:26 Griswold 199 97 Justin Jackson 16:55.1 8:28 Griswold 206 98 Eric Devine 16:55.5 8:28 Griswold 248 99 Kevin Onofreo 17:01.3 8:31 Durham 190 100 C J. Spellman 17:02.1 8:31 Griswold 57 101 Burnett Zachary 17:06.5 8:33 Rham 115 102 Henzy Matthew 17:09.0 8:35 East Hampton 183 103 John Rosano 17:11.2 8:36 Portland 179 104 A J. Cosenza 17:12.1 8:36 Portland 188 105 Matt Skrzypiec 17:12.7 8:36 Griswold 209 106 Trevor Boornazian 17:19.1 8:40 Griswold 5 107 Davila Frank 17:24.0 8:42 McGee 257 108 Colin Plant 17:29.5 8:45 Durham 74 109 Keith Ronnie 17:31.9 8:46 Rham 61 110 D'Auria David 17:49.6 8:55 Rham 21 111 Synnott Tim 17:49.9 8:55 McGeePace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
16 112 Powell Kyle 18:00.7 9:00 McGee 86 113 Presch Mike 18:09.7 9:05 Rham 64 114 Depuis Ethan 18:10.1 9:05 Rham 92 115 Trouern-Trend Alex 18:26.7 9:13 Rham 105 116 Chiu Adam 18:43.2 9:22 East Hampton 59 117 Colantonio Nick 18:48.2 9:24 Rham 4 118 Conticello William 18:48.5 9:24 McGee 22 119 Tomascak Ben 18:52.0 9:26 McGee 243 120 Alex Shoudy 18:54.2 9:27 Durham 185 121 Casey Richer 19:03.1 9:32 Portland 189 122 Tom Garrahy 19:12.4 9:36 Griswold 251 123 Scott Smith 19:17.6 9:39 Durham 279 124 48 Daniel McKnight 19:19.2 9:40 Cromwell 262 125 49 Devon Kilpatrick 19:58.6 9:59 CromwellPace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
72 126 Greene Sean 20:07.9 10:04 Rham 245 127 Geoff Meiman 20:12.8 10:06 Durham 102 128 Amtmanis Kyle 20:36.4 10:18 East Hampton 194 129 Joe Karnilowicz 21:01.2 10:31 Griswold 275 130 Kevin Braun 21:48.9 10:54 Cromwell Team Results PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 East Hampton 37 2 4 8 11 12 13 16 13:03.7 0:49.5 2 Rham 64 1 6 10 22 25 26 28 13:24.7 1:31.3 3 McGee 92 5 19 21 23 24 30 32 13:47.9 0:59.1 4 Portland 107 14 17 18 27 31 34 47 13:57.3 1:05.0 5 Cromwell 127 3 20 33 35 36 48 49 14:20.6 2:22.4 6 Griswold 130 7 9 37 38 39 41 42 14:32.6 2:38.0 7 Durham 171 15 29 40 43 44 45 46 15:15.3 2:41.6